[HCDX] Pennant Antenna with Remote Termination Control
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[HCDX] Pennant Antenna with Remote Termination Control
- To: k6se@xxxxxxxx, am@xxxxxxxxxxx, saxelrod@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, badx@xxxxxxxxxxxxx, jburnell@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, phil-bytheway@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx, davidclark@xxxxxxxx, baconti@xxxxxxx, dec@xxxxxxx, Ben-Dangerfield@xxxxxxxxxxxxx, Marc.Delorenzo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, r.s.eckman@xxxxxxxxxxxxx, rfoxwor1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, funk@xxxxxxxxxxxx, RGITSCHIER@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx, GHakiel@xxxxxxx, Nick_Hall-Patch@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, neilkaz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, kiwa@xxxxxxxxxxxx, tocobagadx@xxxxxxxxxxxxx, dallas@xxxxxxxxx, webmaster@xxxxxxxx, merriman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, mohrmannm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, thousandislands@xxxxxxxxxxxx, bportzer@xxxxxxxx, renfrew@xxxxxxxxxxxx, mryan@xxxxxxxx, sanser@xxxxxxx, saclang@xxxxxxxxx, microadv@xxxxxxxxxxxx, Radiomatt@xxxxxxx, radioplus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx, topband@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: [HCDX] Pennant Antenna with Remote Termination Control
- From: Mark Connelly <MarkWA1ION@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Fri, 28 Jul 2000 09:24:25 -0700 (PDT)
- Cc: K1ZM@xxxxxxx, webmaster@xxxxxxxx, r.c.eldridge@xxxxxxxx, sales@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, rhhardin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx, w8jv@xxxxxxxxx, K9RT@xxxxxxx, bjohn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- List-id: Hard-Core-DX Email List <hard-core-dx.hard-core-dx.com>
- Reply-to: hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Sender: hard-core-dx-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
The initial version of my new article "Pennant Antenna
with Remote Termination Control" is now available at
"http://members.aol.com/DXerCapeCod/pennant.htm"; .
It contains descriptive text, circuit drawings, and
data tables and graphs of test results.
This articles builds upon the excellent article "Flags,
Pennants, and Other Ground-Independent Low-Band
Receiving Antennas" by Earl W. Cunningham, K6SE,
in the July 2000 edition of QST magazine.
What I have done is to provide a way to adjust
termination resistance remotely from the comfort
and convenience of the operating position. The
need for doing this is made apparent by test data
showing that the null bearing may be moved to
a certain extent by means of changing this
Mark Connelly - WA1ION - Billerica, MA, USA
e-mail: MarkWA1ION@xxxxxxxxxx
homepage: http://members.aol.com/MarkWA1ION/weblink.htm
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