Re: [HCDX] Re: 7265
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Re: [HCDX] Re: 7265

Bob, sounds like it to me. I got a detailed QSL earlier this year from them
for a bx on 7265, 30/12/1999, 0656 UTC. Also sent a nice sticker. I've
heard them quite often and they generally seem to play a lot of pop mx -
making it easier to give details if you don't know German.

Charlie C.

>I wonder if someone could help me with a station I have been hearing here in
>the N.E. part of the U. S. on 7265 which seems to surface around 2200 and on
>most of the night from what I can tell.  In German and plays continous pop
>mx with some talks at the top of  the hour.  Is this SWR from Stuttgart.
>Listed in the ILG as being 20kw station.  Some great programing.  Not a real
>easy copy with QRM on 7250 but by tuning down a little off center, fair
>Bob Montgomery
>Hard-Core-DX mailing list

I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now.
                               "My Back Pages", 1964 B. Dylan

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