[HCDX]: Web summary of Phased Arrays Discussion
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[HCDX]: Web summary of Phased Arrays Discussion

I've put together a Web page with text of some recent
e-mail discussions of phased antenna arrays.  Much of
the discussion revolves around medium wave (500-2000 kHz)
but may be applicable to longwave and tropical band 
shortwave as well.  Links to other information sources
are included.

The URL for this page is:

By the way, the July 2000 issue of QST magazine has
a very good article on Flag, Pennant, and Ewe antennas
used on the 160-meter band.

Mark Connelly, WA1ION - Billerica, MA, USA
e-mail: MarkWA1ION@xxxxxxxxxx 
homepage: http://members.aol.com/MarkWA1ION/weblink.htm 

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