Re: [HCDX]: pronunciation of Z in Canada
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Re: [HCDX]: pronunciation of Z in Canada

On Mon, 8 May 2000, Mike Brooker wrote:

> >
> >
> >  Hello Patrick: Until, you asked the question I had nothing to say about
> >propagation. BIG, question you will find opinions from A to Z, thats zee
> >here in Canada!
> Actually, the last letter of the alphabet should be pronounced "Zed" in
> Canada, not "Zee", according to both the CRTC and "Joe" on the Molson
> Canadian beer ad.

And some non-Canadians use it, too.  My Canadian-born mother taught me to
use it, since "zee" can sound a lot like "cee."  Listeners to "DXing
with Cumbre" will know that I always pronounce the last letter of the
alphabet as "zed," and after four years on the air, nobody has asked
me what it means, so I guess it must be clear to most listeners.

Marie Lamb

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