Re: [HCDX]: Pirate Activities from RB SAm
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Re: [HCDX]: Pirate Activities from RB SAm

Radio Blandengue wrote:

> Dear Friends:
> Radio Blandengue from some place in South America will be
> on the air next weekend performing his pirate activities on
> 14565 KHz LSB according to the following sked:

Reception was noted from my QTH about 80km north of Sydney, Australia.

The signal faded in around 0520 UTC, but very poor until 0600 sign-off.

The 0700-0900 broadcast was heard, at a low level but useable, I should be
able to get details off the tape.

At 1000 the signal was heard but very weak and not useable.

A report will be on its way. Do you take US dollars for return postage
instead of IRCs? The US dollars are cheaper here!


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