Re: [HCDX]: Cooledit2000 tips&tricks wanted!
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Re: [HCDX]: Cooledit2000 tips&tricks wanted!

On Fri, Feb 11, 2000 at 11:21:26AM +0100, Julius Hermans wrote:
> You can add noise with cooledit, but can you also remove noise?? I have tried some settings on cooledit with: transform>amplitude>envelope>presets but no real successes to mention here!! 
> Our question: Is there anyone out there in the Hard Core DX-World who has some tips & tricks for us how to improve the audioquality of our DX-catches with Cooledit2000??? General tips & tricks on Cooledit in relation to DX-recordings are also welcome!!!
> You can mail me direct or mail Max van Arnhem at mvarnhem@xxxxxx 
> Julius Hermans

Well, there is a standard noise reduction function in Cool Edit 2000.  If
you go to Transform->Noise Reduction, there's a decent set of controls
there.. including a function that will plot where the NR will hit the
sound file's spectrum before you do it.

You might get a good idea of where your signal is vs. where your noise is
by using the Histogram function under Analyze->Statistics.

I haven't used CE for any DX signals, but CE2000 has some really nice
features for $US 70!

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