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Hello Hard Core DX group: I was able to speak with Dave Frantz last night for over an hour, it was quite a conversation. Without spending the next hour typing the details of that conversation here is the bottom line. The 5 hours of program details stands. This 5 hours of programming can be over a extended time ie days,weeks or months, with 5 hours of detials WGTG has "an obligation to give an immediate reponse". Whatabout the old reception reports, to be honest he " does'nt care", Dave said they are not a priority now, expanding the station is. I explained to him his hard line "does'nt care" answer is not an answer, but a problem! He went on to say that he was not sure where those reports are. They may have been "thrown out,lost or stored". He has agreed to look for those reports when time permits and "if" found perhaps a maildrop/QSL service can be set up. I personally not holding my breath! Anyone interested in hearing the story of setting up a SW radio station in Georgia, could call Dave Frantz at WGTG, he is really not the hard liner he appears to be. On a positive note reception reports received under the 5 hour policy, have been QSLed, they have recently mailed out. Dave mentioned QSLs sent out to "some Scandinavian DXers". I know this really does'nt solve the issue(s), but perhaps gets to WGTG's bottom line. Please be assured that I am not happy with this commerical stations stand, but "at the end of the day" thats their call! Let us hope things work out in the end. If not, oh well, I am still going to continue this great hobby. Wishing you all the BEST! Joe Talbot n52w113@xxxxxxxxxxx
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