RE: [HCDX]: 1296
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RE: [HCDX]: 1296

I don't have an address but following enquiries can confirm that this is a
test via Merlin Communications from the Orfordness transmitter here in the
UK. It is on air today (31 Jan) and tomorrow (1 Feb) only, at 0700-1830 and
2200-2400 UTC. 

Dave Kenny

-----Original Message-----
From: Gert Nilsson [mailto:gert.nilsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: 31 January 2000 14:19
To: Hard Core DX
Subject: [HCDX]: 1296

BOB Best Oldies of Belgium announcing in English and Flemish booming in
on 1296. Must be high power. Address?

Gert Nilsson

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This is a message from Dave Kenny <dave_kenny@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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