[HCDX]: DXing with Cumbre sked, 30 January 2000
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[HCDX]: DXing with Cumbre sked, 30 January 2000

Hi, everyone.  We have a new transmission via KWHR.

Frequencies are in kHz; times are UTC.
Programs are approximately 30 minutes long.
WHRI ANGEL I (Americas/Caribbean)
Sat 0600  7315
Sat 0830  7315
Sat 1330  15105 
Sat 2330  9495
Sun 1500  15105
Sun 1600  15105

WHRI ANGEL II  (Eur/Mideast/Afr/Rus/N Am)

Sat 0600  5745
Sat 0830  5745
Sat 1530  6040 
Sat 1900  13760
Sun 0400  5745
Sun 0530  5745 
Sun 1530  6040

Sat 0300  17510
Sun 0000  17510  (NEW)
Sat 0600  17780
Sun 0600  17780
Sun 1830  9930 

KWHR ANGEL IV  (South Pacific)
Sat 1430  11565 
Sun 1300  11565 

WHRA ANGEL V (Africa/Mideast) (may also be audible for many WHRI

Sat 0800  11565 
Sat 0930  7435 
Sat 2230  17650
Sun 0200  7580
Sun 0930  7435 
Sun 1830  17650 
Mon 0400  7580

The program may be heard on Real Audio whenever it is on shortwave
at the World Harvest website <http://www.whr.org>.  Also, it is
audible on demand at the Cumbre DX website; the URL for it is
<http://www.cumbredx.org>.  A number of programs you may have missed
or would like to hear again are archived at the Cumbre DX site, too.

The postal address for shortwave reception reports:
World Harvest Radio
P.O. Box 12
South Bend IN 46624

The postal address for the DXing with Cumbre program:
Marie Lamb
c/o WAER Radio 
215 University Place
Syracuse NY 13244-2110
The e-mail address for loggings and information for DXing with Cumbre
and the Cumbre DX newsletter (audio clips for possible use on the show may
also be e-mailed here):  cumbreeditor@xxxxxxxxxxxx
E-mail or postal mail is fine for most purposes to send information to
the show, but if you must fax something for the program, please use the
WAER fax number at +1 315 443-2148, and mark the fax to the attention of
Marie Lamb.
Thanks for listening and contributing, as always!
Marie Lamb
DXing with Cumbre
This is a message from "Marie A. Lamb" <malamb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
to hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxx list. To unsubscribe the list, send
"unsubscribe hard-core-dx" in mail body to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
For more information, please check http://www.kotalampi.com/hard-core-dx/
or email Risto Kotalampi, risto@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx