[HCDX]: TFW 102 1/3
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[HCDX]: TFW 102 1/3

THE FOUR WINDS ON LINE  - Copyright  Part 1
Year   5 Number  102  - Rome, 20 January  2000
FAX: +39 06 5126262
E-MAIL:  gio.ser@xxxxxxxxxxx
WWWeb: < http://utenti.tripod.it/gio_ser/index.htm >

The Four Winds on Line  - Copyright  - DX newsletter edited by
Giovanni Serra, Rome - Italy.

                             TFW on Line Policy
1) TFW on Line covers only the SW Broadcasting  Specrum.
2) Subscription rate:  as a non  commercial newsletter,
    there is no fee to subscribe TFW on Line.
3) TFW on Line is distributed to Individuals, DX Editors,
    Clubs and Organizations, asking for the reciprocal exchange of
    DX Bulletins and / or contributions.
4) Excerpts may be reprinted,translated, e-mailed and / or
    transmitted with appropriate credit as well TFW as the last source,
    unless Copyright indicated.
5) Not to be redistributed or reposted without permission.
6) Suggestions and ideas are welcome.
7) If you no longer wish to receive TFW on Line  please,
    drop me a line.
loggings in order of  TIME;  frequencies in kHz;  times UTC;
ham codes as usual;  Reporting  signal quality: Loc  = local
signal; E = excellent; G = good;  F = fair; P = poor;
VP = very poor;  A = avoid.  (also in SINPO or SIO code)

FROM THE EDITOR -  No, no, TFW is not back regularly....now it is just
the time for relaxing myself a little time with the radio.   --- Gianni
, ed.

Thank you  for all our Contributors !
(Any change of Equipment, Web Pages?? Please, drop me a line)

AL QUAGLIERI ( AQ ), Albany, NY, USA    via e - mail    RX:  Drake R8A
ANT:  an extended Zepp antenna < http://www.albany.net/~alcue/ >
BRUNO PECOLATTO, Pont Canavese (TO) Italy  for Radiorama Pirate News,
via e - mail    RX: Kenwood R5000, Lowe HF150 ANT.: Yaesu FRT7700, Daiwa
AF606K, longwire 15 mt  <  http://www.arpnet.it/~air/welcome.htm > <
http://www.radiorama.it >
CHARLES BOLLAND, Lake Worth FL, USA  via e-mail  RX: NRD535D and NRD525
ANT.: Longwire < http://www.flinet.com/~chuck/  >
CHUCK RIPPEL, Cornland, VA, USA, via e-mail, RX: WJ-HF1000A, R8A,
R390A/Sherwood SE-3, Collins 51S-1, Harris RF590 <
http://www.avslvb.com/R390A/index.html > Be sure to check the SWBC
DX/Listening Section
DANIELE CANONICA, Muggio,  Switzerland, via e-mail, RX:  JRC 535   ANT.:
30 meter of LW and MLB
GLENN HAUSER (GH), Enid OK, USA for Dx Listening Digest via e-mail <
HORACIO A. NIGRO, Montevideo, Uruguay  via e-mail   RX: Grundig YB400
ANT.: randomwire 25m long  < http://members.tripod.com/~hanigro >
MARIE LAMB, Brewerton NY, USA, Host and Producer DXing with Cumbre, via
e-mail < http://www.whr.org> or < http://www.cumbredx.org.>
NICOLAS ERAMO, Buenos Aires, Argentina  via e-mail  RX & ANT.:  SONY ICF
2010 with V inverted antenna 20 mts and MFJ receiver  Antenna
tunner/Preamplifier 959B,  SONY ICF 7600G with Folder dipole antenna
with balun 32 mts
PEDRO F. ARRUNATEGUI, Lima, Peru   for Chasqui DX  via e-mail    RX:
Icom IC-R 71 E    ANT:   42 meters dipole
YIMBER GAVIRIA, Cali-Valle, Colombia, via e-mail,  RX: ANT.: Web:
ZACHARIAS LIANGAS, Thessalloniki, Greece via e-mail   RX:  Lowe HF 150 -
Philips 2935 - Sony ICF 7600 D   ANT: 20 m sloper  ATU hand made - 11 m
hor ( for 40 m - 60 m ) - 6 m antenna tilted upward MFJ 16010 ATU MFJ
1040 b preselector MFJ 1025 antenna shadow <
http://www.compulink.gr/Users/zliangas >  SHORTED ! <
www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Lot/2638  >

SW TIPS    (TIME - Freq. - Country)

0000- 6479- PERU- R.Altura,Huarmaca January 4,0000-0006, 443,TC"las 7 de
la noche con 2 minutos te informa la hora Radio Altura de
Huarmaca¨,seguido con Comunicados.(Yimber Gaviria, Cali,Colombia)

0000- 4865.0- BRAZIL- R. Verde Floresta, Floresta, 13/01 0000-0040 44444
advs en portugues, ID Esta es Radio Verde Floresta en OM y 4865 Onda
Corta, desde Floresta.." mx y nx ID "Esta en el sistema de Radio Verde
Floresta, mas alegría y mas música.." mx. ( Arrunategui,  Peru   for
Chasqui DX )

0000- 4780.0- PERU-  R. Satélite, Santa Cruz, Cajamarca; 8/01 0000-0045
33333 ID Comunicados por Radio Satélite" px avisos y comunicados
atención, después de la misa sírvanse pasar al domicilio en esta ciudad
de Santa Cruz mx ID "Muy pronto en esta ciudad de Santa Cruz y por su
Radio Satélite..." ( ARRUNATEGUI,  Peru   for Chasqui DX )

0000- 6950 - PIRATES SOUTH AMERICA- Emisora Z del Dragon in USB (Via
Radio Blandengue), 0000 - 0030, Jan 10, Spanish and English ID, Italian
Music and International Music ID "Ud. esta sintonizando Emisora Z del
Dragon, Ud esta escuchando Emisora Z del Dragon", Good, (Eramo,

0024- 6535. 8- PERU-  Radiodifusoras Huancabamba, Huancabamba, 0024 -
0027, Jan 07, Spanish, Man Announcer, Musical Program, Program: "Musica
Sin Fronteras" ID "por Radiodifusoras Huancabamba", SINPO 24322, (Eramo,

0030- 6950 - PIRATES SOUTH AMERICA- Radio Blandengue in USB, South
America, 0030 - 0100, Jan 10, ID in Spanish, English and Italian "En
Radio Blandengue Ud. esta escuchando a Elvis Crespo y Pintame", Good,
(Eramo, Argentina)

0048- 6155.0- BOLIVIA- R. FIDES, La Paz, 3/01 0048-0125 44444 mx
romántica, halan sobre el valor de algunos artículos en bolivianos. Son
las 9 y 16 de la noche.... ( ARRUNATEGUI,  Peru   for Chasqui DX )

0050- 6895.4- PERU-  R. San Miguel del Faique, Huancabamba, Piura; 6/01
0050-0155 33333 estamos comunicando a todos los moradores del distrito
de Canchaque.. mx corazón serrano ID "Por Radio San Miguel.." mx ID "Y
bien amigos, proseguimos con Radio San Miguel del Faique.." mx .
 ARRUNATEGUI,  Peru   for Chasqui DX )

0052- 5952.6- BOLIVIA- R. Pío XII, Siglo XX, 13/01 0052-0137 33333 mx f
ID "Sensacional, por Radio Pío XII, se transmite los sábados a la 7 de
la noche, el px Lo bueno, lo malo y lo feo mx ID "La invitación cordial,
para que sigan en su Radio Pío XII" px en quechua. (Arrunategui,  Peru
for Chasqui DX )

0052- 4534.1- PERU-  UNID R. , 8/01 0052-0142 22222 mx música de la
sierra norte de Perú, atención mensaje para la ciudad de Ayabaca, se le
comunica que su esposa, en Huamarca, la señora... NOTA: cada vez se hace
mas difícil el escucharla, hay bastante QRM ( ARRUNATEGUI,  Peru   for
Chasqui DX )

0054- 3329- PERU- Ondas del Huallaga,  January 14,0054-0058,señal
pobre,ID como Radio Ondas del Huallaga.(Yimber Gaviria, Cali,Colombia)

0055- 4995.6- PERU-  R. Andina, Huancayo, Junin; 7/01 0055-0130 44444 px
Los hombres el mundo, px sobre la parasicología, nos encontramos en la
ciudad de Huancayo, en el Cerrito de la Libertad... ID "A través de
Radio Andina....." ( ARRUNATEGUI,  Peru   for Chasqui DX )

0100- 6950 - PIRATES SOUTH AMERICA- Radio Sin Fronteras in USB (via
Radio Blandengue), 0100 - 0147, Jan 10, Spanish, Musical Program "Musica
hacia todos los Rincones... Radio Sin Fronteras...", Good, (Eramo,

0105- 6195.6- PERU-  R. Cusco, Cusco; 4/01 0105-0215 44444 ID "Esta es
su Radio Cusco.." mx px Ecos del Perú mx ID "Mas mensajes desde las
ondas de su Radio Cusco..." mx ID "Somos de Radio Cusco y llegamos a
todo el Perú..." mx ID "Desde el corazón de Cusco, transmite Radio
Cusco.." ( ARRUNATEGUI,  Peru   for Chasqui DX )

0315- 11885 -SEYCHELLES- FEBA 0315 IS and s/on pgm in Swahili, ID by
man, vern mx. Good on clear channel. (Nigro-Uruguay, Jan 13)

0754- 5805- PIRATE EUROPE-  R.Free London-, January 16, Mx,ID in E 33333
(Pecolatto, Italy / Radiorama Pirate News)

0815- 9870 - MONACO- Trans World Radio, January 3, 0815- 343,EE ID,luego
con programa "Insight for living".(Yimber Gaviria, Cali,Colombia)

0820- 6261- PIRATE EUROPE- R.East Side, January 9,  Mx,QTH,ID in E,G
33322 (Pecolatto, Italy / Radiorama Pirate News)

0835- 6306- PIRATE EUROPE- R.Skyline, January 9,  Mx pop-rock,ID in E
33333 (Pecolatto, Italy / Radiorama Pirate News)

0846- 7480- PIRATE EUROPE- R.Benelux, January 9,  Non stop mx,ID in G
33333 (Pecolatto, Italy / Radiorama Pirate News)

0855-11401- PIRATE EUROPE- R.Waves Int., January 9,  Mx,ID in G 23322
(Pecolatto, Italy / Radiorama Pirate News)

0919- 6219- PIRATE EUROPE- Laser Hot Hits, January 9,  Mx dance-pop,ID
in E 23332 (Pecolatto, Italy / Radiorama Pirate News)

1020- 4774.99 PERU - Radio Tarma 1020-1030 Noted Hauynos type music
initially. At 1024 canned ID followed by long canned discourse. Signal
improved from poor to good. Bolland, USA January 15, )

1032- 4814.6- PER- Radio Amazonas 1032-1045 Noted a man in religious
discourse. This followed by ADs. At 1039 music presented. Signal was
good. Bolland, USA January 15)

1040- 4840.01 ECUADOR- Radio Interoceanica 1040-1100 Noted man in
Quechua comments. Signal was good. Bolland, USA January 15)

1045- 6155 BOLIVIA- Radio Fides, Presumed 1045-1100 Noted woman in
Spanish comments and news. Signal was poor with QRM splatter. Bolland,
USA January 14)

1045- 4975.1 PERU- Radio Del Pacifico 1045-1105 Noted a man in religious
program. On the hour ID followed by ADs or Promos. Signal was good.
Bolland, USA January 15 )

1055- 4814.6- PERU- Unid R , 15/01 1055-1150 22222 mx pasillo y luego
tocan un san juanito, hablan en quechua y después en español sobre
religión,. NOTA: No es radio Cora, pues la escuche en los 600 KHz de
Onda Media y la programación no era la misma de la onda corta.. Luego
alas 1127 era casi imposible escucharla por tener bastante QRM.
 Arrunategui,  Peru   for Chasqui DX )

1100- 6535.79- PERU- Radiodifusora Huancabamba 1100-1130 Initially noted
music until 1108 when man in Spanish  comments and ID. Signal was good.
Bolland, USA January 14, )

1102- 5010 CHINA PR- Guangxi Economic BS 1102-1110 Noted a man in Steady
Chinese comments. Signal was good.  Bolland, USA January 15)

1109- 5799.86 CHINA PR- PEOPLE'S BROADCASTING SYSTEM 1109-1130 Noted a
man in comments speaking Uighur possibly. At 1110, woman talks followed
by music. Signal was fair. ( Bolland, USA January 15)

1110-  6674 PERU- Radio Super Nueva Sensacion 1110-1130 Initially noted
Huaynos music. After tune a man in Spanish  comments, TC and ID. Signal
was fair. Bolland, USA January 14)

1110- 4950.0- PERU-  R. Madre de Dios, Puerto Maldonado, Tambopata,
Madre de Dios; 33333 1110-1142 mx ID "6 de la mañana con 22 minutos en
Radio Madre de Dios" mx ID "El departamento de prensa de Radio Madre de
Dios presenta su noticiero..." nx ID "Radio Madre de Dios es una
estación que llena alegría y se comunica con toda la región..."
 ARRUNATEGUI,  Peru   for Chasqui DX )

1114- 6797.64- PERU- Radio Ondas Del Mayo 1114-1130 Initially noted
Huaynos music. Afterwards, a man in Spanish comments gives ID and TC.
Music continues. Signal was fair. Bolland, USA January 14)

1130-  5905 -RUSSIA- VOICE OF RUSSIA, presumed 1130-1200 Noted a
threshold signal here and on 5940 khz with  comments by a woman. Better
on 5940 than 5905, but both threshold. Bolland, USA January 15)

1137- 6535- PERU- Radiodifusora Huancabamba January 7,1137-
544!,ID"Radiodifusora Huancabamba, la Voz de la Frontera",con programa
de Música Huayno "Feliz Amanecer". .(Yimber Gaviria, Cali,Colombia)

1140- 7130- TAIWAN- Voice of Taipei International 1140-1150 Noted a
woman talking with a man in Japanese language. Signal was poor. Bolland,
USA January 14, 2000 )

1145- 6261- CLANDESTINA/COLOMBIA- Voz de la Resistencia-Bloque Oriental
(FARC-EP) (fqy var.) January 4,1145- ,444,con programa Politico, también
a las 2245 UT,SIO 444,"...Continue en este nuevo Milenio en nuestra
sintonia".También Enero5 *2130- 544,abriendo con usual Compañeros de la
FARC,Nota: La Voz del Pueblo estaba en los 6240 KHz con música Vallenata
sin parar.(Yimber Gaviria, Cali,Colombia)

1147- 4840- ECUADOR- R.Interoceanica, January 4,1147- 232,relay Noticias
de HCJB,paralelo a los 6050 KHz(454).(Yimber Gaviria,Colombia)

1148- 4899- ECUADOR- LV del Saquisili, January 6,1148-1203, 232,ID,con
mx Ecuatoriana,a las 12 UT con TC" 7 en punto de la mañana...en este
Canton en la provincia del Cotopaxis...entramos a las noticias aqui en
La Voz del Saquisili adelante HCJB con las Noticias (Relay Noticias de
HCJB).(Yimber Gaviria,Colombia)

1149- 5020- COLOMBIA- Ecos del Atrato/Caracol Quibdo, January 4
1149-1151,232,relay Noticias de Caracol  Colombia.(Yimber Gaviria,

1200- 5985.9- MYANMAR- Myanmar Radio 1200-1230 Noted different persons
(male, female) in comments with music interspersed. Signal was
sandwiched between boomers and was only audible using narrowerest
filter, but once tuned, quality was poor to fair. Bolland, USA January

1205- 5040- ECUADOR- Voz del Upano January 6,1205,(454),con Advs luego
con "Fútbol Amateur".(Yimber  Gaviria,Colombia)

1208- 5955- COLOMBIA- LV de los Centauros/Caracol Villavicencio, January
6 1208- ,454,c/Primera Emisión de Notidiario de Caracol.(Yimber

1210- 5965- ECUADOR- Voz del Upano, January 6, 1210-1214,(454),ID"Con lo
mejor de la música Ecuatoriana en los 59-65 de Voz del Upano...Viva
Quito,Viva la Capital del Ecuador...$ 23.800 Sucres por un Dólar
Americano...Buenos Dias Ecuador,Buenos Dias America Buenos Dias
Mundo".(Yimber Gaviria, Colombia)

1215- 4825- PERU- RLV de la Selva,Iquitos January 6,1215-1217,444, "la
radio para todos - Radio La Voz de la Selva"(Yimber Gaviria,

1216- 14670- CANADA- CHU, January 5 1216- 343,time pip,ID en Ingles
"Twelve Hours,Sixteen Minutes",luego en Francés.los 7335 muy débil a
esta hora.(Yimber Gaviria, Cali,Colombia)

1330- 6060.9- PERU-  R. J.S.V, Huánuco, 9/01 1330-1425 33333 mx ID "Por
Radio JSV, desde Huanuco, cubriendo todo el territorio nacional..." mx.
( Arrunategui,  Peru   for Chasqui DX )

1714- 5009.5 MADAGASCAR- RTM,  7-1, 1714 with man in french ( posisbly
news) and small music gaps.ON 1716 woman speaking in vern then musical
program follws. Good signal suffereing strong QRM from 5009 from a radio
fax ( Liangas,  Greece)

1738- 6120- ETHIOPIA- Radio Fana  // 6940, 7/1,  at 1738, Both freqs are
with very low signals 6940 was just marginal  suffering strng QRM from
same QRG and ute ON 6210 signal sufered in in both bands Program was a
theatre like ( Liangas, Greece)

1754- 3365- INDIA- AIR 1754 with indian relig songs best on LSB
 Liangas, Greece)

1905- 17680- CHILE- Voz Cristiana, January 7 1905-1910,554!,con programa
musical "Contacto Explosivo",// 21500(554!),21550(554!).(Yimber Gaviria,

1917- 15200- INDIA- All India Radio January 7,1917-1920,444,con noticias
en Ingles,ID a las 1920 UT.(Yimber Gaviria,  Cali,Colombia)

2002- 4890- PAPUA NEW GUINEA- NBC Port Moresby  2002-2050 good signal
"...the National Broadcasting of papua New Guinea, Karai National Radio
the voice of Papua New Guinea...", SIO 343 (Canonica, Switzerland Jan.
12 and 13)

2012- 4845 MALAYSIA- RTM 4 (poss), 7-1  2012 with tamil songs and LSB
for best Heard only a few mins then lost 22232 ( Liangas, Greece)

2015- 4890- NEW GUINEA- Kari Nt'l Radio, Port Moresby peaking nicely at
2015 on 01/02. Musical variety program hosted by YL announcer. Faded by
2040. (Rippel, USA)

2100- 14564.8- PIRATES SOUTH AMERICA- Emisora Z del Dragon in LSB (Via
Radio Blandengue), 2100 - 2130, Jan 09, Spanish and English ID, Italian
Music and International Music ID "En algunos momentos mas comenzara
nuestro show musical" "Esta es Emisora Z del Dragon" "You are listen
Emisora Z del Dragon", Good (Eramo, Argentina)

2116- 4975- COLOMBIA- La Internacional "Ondas del Orteguaza",Florencia,
January 5 2116- 443,con musica popular,ID"Ondas del Orteguaza le
acompana...Ondas del Orteguaza es Todelar y Todelar no tiene fronteras".
tambien chequeada a las 2250-2300*,con el Sendas Apostolicas de la
Iglesia Pentecostal Unidas de Colombia, a las 2300 UT con chequeo de la
hora "Esta es la hora Todelar en el Caqueta,son las 6.seguido con el
Himno Nacional,pero cerro abruptamente".(Yimber Gaviria, Cali,Colombia)

end of part 1

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