Re: [HCDX]: Baltic Waves & R Baku
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Re: [HCDX]: Baltic Waves & R Baku

At 22.08 15.1.2000 +0100, you wrote:
>message from Julius Hermans, Breedenboek, Netherlands;
>Baltic waves:
>I think I just heard the new R Baltic Waves from Vilnius. On 612 Khz at
17.28 UTC-january 15th- I heard an IS (a simple, but nice synthesizer-tune)
and ann's by a man. I think I heard a ID in Belorussian which sounded like
"Radyo Balticske Walle". After the next IS, there was an ID I think in
Lithuanian(it sounded indeed like: baltijos bangu radijas). All difficult
to read due to heavy co/ch QRM. In
Eurolog( I read
that they do a relay of R Polonia in Belorussian at this time. The IS was
not the same as that of R Polonia's external service as heard on Dave
kernick's magnificent site, so I think they use their own IS. Is there
anyone in the region who can confirm my monitoring??  A few minutes later I
lost the station in the enormous co/ch QRM I had on 612!!  By the way when
searching for Baltic Waves last night jan. 14th I noted that the timepeeps
of R Bosnia Hercegovina on  612 were 3 seconds too late at 2000!!

I have heard them relay R Polonia in Belorussian between 1730-1755. But I
haven't been listening exactly at the sign on time. But you can trust your
ears, it really is R Baltic Waves relaying R Polonia.

73, Mauno

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