Re: [HCDX]: BBC on 5020
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Re: [HCDX]: BBC on 5020

At 10.52 10.1.2000 -0700, Don Moman wrote:
>To add a bit more info to the 5020 BBC/VOA wonderings....
>Jan 10 1650 utc I am hearing BBC audio in English on 5020 with BBC WS id
>at 1700 and current time checks. Signal broadly peaks in the direction of
>Africa, but at this time of day (10 am local time) long path African
>reception is possible too, so there is another peak in the westerly
>direction, of similar strength, but somewhat better. Now at 1725, the

I can hear it, too. The time is now 1430. Does BBC Monitoring know about
this relay?

73, Mauno

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