[HCDX]: 2000 edition / The European NDB Handbook
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[HCDX]: 2000 edition / The European NDB Handbook

The European NDB Handbook
- 2000 edition -
by Michael Oexner

Many of you are already familiar with last year's 1999 edition of the
European NDB Handbook. This new 2000 edition has been continuously
worked upon to give you the most up to date NDB information available.
Its over 120 spiral-bound pages in DIN A4 format now contain data of
more than 3500 active NDBs located in Europe, the Northern African
countries, and the Near and Middle East. Many of the more frequently
heard transatlantic NDBs have been included, as well as NDBs operating
from offshore installations such as oil platforms. Moreover the handbook
includes widely reported unidentified beacons and irregular call signs
which originate from so-called "negative keying". One or the other NDB
mystery may be solved with this information on hand.

As a new feature the 2000 edition does now show the NDB modulation
frequency as monitored by a network of active NDB DXers. The layout of
the NDB data is well known from the previous edition: part 1 (the
reference list) shows the entries sorted by alphabetical order of the
call sign and lists the carrier frequency, the modulation frequency, the
authority or company taking care of the NDB, name and location of the
NDB, country in ITU code,  geographical coordinates, distance and Great
Circle bearing. Part 2 of the handbook is sorted in frequency order, and
part 3 in country order.

As a special benefit to the users of this handbook, the distance and
Great Circle bearing have been computed for the individual listener's

*Please* don't forget to specify the geographic coordinates of your
listening post when ordering (recommended format to be used:
degrees/minutes/seconds). Please let me know whether you prefer the
distance shown either in kilometers or in miles.

To give newcomers an easy start the handbook includes a table showing
those NDBs that are nearest to your location. And for those that are
unfamiliar with Morse code, a reference table is included.


To get your copy please send your order and advance payment to the
following address: Michael Oexner, Hainfelder Str. 1, D-76835 Roschbach,

If you require more information about the publication and have access to
e-mail you can also contact me at the following e-mail address:


The price for the 2000 edition of the European NDB handbook is DM 40.- /
£15 / EURO 20 / US-$ 25. This includes postage and packaging for
European destinations.


If you want to avoid the high costs incurred by purchasing International
Money Orders or Eurocheques etc. you can always send your payment in the
form of Pound notes (10 + 5) or Dollar bills. If you are using this
method though do be sure to take the usual precautions of concealing
them well inside your letter.

If you prefer to use Eurocheques or IMOs though you can make them
payable to the account number 100156926, BLZ 54850010, Sparkasse Landau.


All handbooks will be produced individually, so a production time of 2
weeks should be expected.

vy 73 + gd DX,


RX: ICOM R71A, Sony ICF-SW7600G, W&G SPM-3
Antenna: Radio West 22.5" ferrite loop with amplifier, Wellbrook ALA
100, 20m longwire
Location: Roschbach, Germany N 49°15' E 8°07'
Editor of "The European NDB Handbook"
e-mail: michael.oexner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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