[HCDX]: Happy 2000!
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[HCDX]: Happy 2000!

Dear DX-friend:

It's great to be saluting you and wishing all the best in the next 2000
which is about to start.

The new year will mark a new era, plenty of challenges to our hobby. In
which way our traditional way of performing DXing will be affected by the
new technologies?. Will DXers evolve in a bunch of collectors of radio
memorabilia? (Just in case, I tell you that I have indeed commenced with
that, in the way of radio philately and chasing for other small antique
radio items!)...

The magic of broken distances is still here and alive. The special sensation
I feel looking to a 1932 Russian stamp depicting eskimos who listen to the
radio; the distinctive sound of a station being deformed by the propagation
conditions; searching for and finding old radio magazines in an old-fair;
reading a superb book teaching me of what DXing was decades ago, filling in
that way a big hole in my knowledge of the history of the hobby; enjoying
the jokes at DX-bulletins between two colleagues; watching to CNN to feel
what Lemmenhoki really is (without suffering -50+ºC!) are all the special
moments of this splendid hobby, which I enjoyed this year.

As well, the fact of you being my DX-fellow, inspires me a feeling of
comrady and friendship, which is specially enhanced, these days!

Cheers for a great new year!

All the best to you and your family!

Surely it will be plenty of DX!!!

73 from

Horacio... happy, along with you, of being a 20th century man, and thus a
radio man!


  _/                              _/                            _/
  _/  Horacio A. Nigro,           _/  DX-ing                    _/
  _/  Montevideo                  _/  Radio History             _/
  _/  URUGUAY                     _/  Radio Philately           _/
  _/                              _/                            _/
  _/  hanigro@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx      _/                            _/
  _/  hanigro@xxxxxxxxxxxx        _/                            _/
  _/  ICQ 44503585                _/                            _/
  _/                              _/                            _/
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