Sv: [HCDX]: Activities on 12140 kHz
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Sv: [HCDX]: Activities on 12140 kHz

I spoke to some people at Radio Pasifik (which is the name of the FM
radiostation operated by the Univeristy of the South Pacific) early October
this year and at that time they were about to dismantel their SSB
transmitter which previously had been used for internal communication.
There were some speculations as to wether of not it was still in working
conditions. They now rely on satellite for communication with remote
islands in the Fiji island group.
When I checked 12140 kHz in Sept and Oct I found a very weak signal as well
- which I think was from Vietnam, China or Russia (sorry cant remember
which one of the three). 

Best 73s
Stig Hartvig Nielsen    

> Fra: Michael Schnitzer <mschnitzer@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Til: hard-core-dx <hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Cc: Thomas Adam <adam@xxxxxx>
> Emne: [HCDX]: Activities on 12140 kHz
> Dato: 28. november 1999 10:58
> Hello to all,
> this morning I could receive a very very poor signal on 12140 at around
> 07.00 UTC. Reception was better in USB-mode. I only could hear some
> of music and a female voice. No chance to identify the language.
> Who has information concerning the SW-activities of the University of the
> South Pacific in Suva, Fiji? Are they active at present?
> vy 73
> Michael Schnitzer
> mschnitzer@xxxxxxxxxxxx
> Receiver: JRC NRD-525
> Antenna: 25m longwire & DX-One Professional
> Location: Hassfurt, Germany
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