[HCDX]: loggings from the netherlands
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[HCDX]: loggings from the netherlands

4874.50 RRI Sorong,juli 1 2058 Song of the coconut islands followed by warta berita by male speaker in BI,// 3344.80,3264.70,3214.80.
At 2102 presumed transmission breakdown at 3264.70.
3214.80 = Manado 25222
3264.70 = Gorontalo 25333
3344.80 = Ternate 25222
4874.50 = Sorong 25332
6135.10 R Aparecida,juli 1,2143 Salsa kind of music with portugese female songs,at 2145 short announcement in portugese by female speaker followed at 2146 by salsa kind of music with portugese male songs,// 5035.
5035 = 25333
6135.10 = 35444 
4945 Emissora Rural,Pertolina,juli 1,2155 Female speaker with ave maria pray,at 2200 female in portugese with several Emisora Rural ID,s and freq announcement with mentionings of kilohertz and mention of Brazil.
Also heard at 2125 with female speaker with ave maria pray.
4753.40 RRI Ujung Pandang,Juli 1,2206 Warta berita by female speaker in BI followed at 2207 by bagimu negeri with choir,// 3325,3395.20,3976.10,4766,4925.
3325 = Palangkaraya 25333 
3395.20 = Bandar lampung 25222 
3976.10 = Pontianak 25222 
4753.40 = Ujung Pandang 35333 
4766 = Medan 35333 
4925 = Jambi 35333
73,s Karl van rooy