[HCDX]: Latin America DX
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[HCDX]: Latin America DX

Hello again,

last night I received several local stations from Bolivia and Peru. Here now
the loggings in detail:


4599.9, Radio Villamontes (presumed); June 27, 0050-0105, Spanish, soccer
match, one team came from Santa Cruz, the speaker often mentioned "equipo de
Santa Cruz"; I think it must be the Bolivian Santa Cruz.  SINPO  23322

4702.2,  Radio Eco, San Borja; June 27, 0035-0045, Spanish, mensajes,
relatively good signal.  SINPO  33323

4945, Radio Illimani, La Paz; June 27, 0005-0010, Spanish, international
news, ID.  SINPO  34323


5018.7, Radio Horizonte, Chachapoyas; June 27, 0020-0030, Spanish; comments
to some local events, which I didn'd understand exactly.  SINPO  33323

5025, Radio Quillabamba; June 27, 0020-0030, Spanish, news from the Cusco
department.  SINPO  33222

6195.5, Radio Cusco; June 27, 0135-0145, Spanish, music of the Andes
presented by man.  SINPO  22322

6520.3, Radio Paucartambo; June 26, 2355-0005, Andean music without any
announcements; station identified already some weeks ago.  SINPO  34323

6674,  UNID LA-station (presumed Peruvian); June 27, 0105-0120, Quechua or
Aymará, huayño music; unfortunately the station was blocked by heavy utility
QRM at 0120, no chance for ID.  SINPO  23222

6797.7,  Ondas del Rio Mayo, Nueva Cajamarca; June 26, 2345-2355, Spanish,
huyaño music.  SINPO  23322

6955.5, Radio Difusora Paratón, Huarmaca; June 26, 2325-2345, Spanish,
Andean music presented by a quickly speaking man, ID.  SINPO 23222

O.K. That's all! Good (LA)DX to all!

vy 73

Michael Schnitzer
Receiver: JRC NRD-525
Antenna: 25m longwire & DX-One Professional
Location: Hassfurt, Germany
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