[HCDX]: QSL Grenada
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[HCDX]: QSL Grenada

Grenada Broadcasting Network (535) verified by det. letter a report after
14 months. V/s was John Jerome, Senior engineer.
Station was heard on the island of Tobago.

Different to a letter from 1993, where the letterhead read "Grenada
Broadcasting Corporation", it is now "GBN - Grenada Broadcasting Network".

Tx is a 10 kW Continental Model 316 F on 535 kHz.
Schedule: 0500-2200 Mo-Sa, 0530-2200 Su local time, which is
0900-0200/0930-0200 UTC.

URL (Internet Radio): www2.Spiceisle.com
Email: gbn@xxxxxxxxxxxxx


     _/_/  Willi H. Passmann
    _/_/  Oberhausener Str. 100
   _/_/  45476 Muelheim, Germany
  _/_/  Tel./Fax: ++49-208-779399 (National 0208-779399)
 _/_/  E-Mail dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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