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Fellow DXers,

On April 30, I downloaded  the FCC's .gz compressed files, which my
system is set up for (as opposed to .ZIP files). I didn't realize they
were current only to April 26 until after I processed and uploaded the
last batch of WHAMLOGs. That means the last group of  files didn't
contain changes which took place between April 26 and April 30. There
were a significant number of changes during that period -- 5K and 4K for
AM and FM, respectively.

As well, there was a minor format change in a few of  the FCC's FM
database records. This caused my processing software to introduce errors
into the FM files.

The files on my download page have been corrected  and are up-to-date
now. My apologies to anyone who downloaded incomplete files or FM files
with errors in them.
Werner Funkenhauser
Editor: ODXA Mediumwave Notebook
The WHAMLOG Page: http://home.inforamp.net/~funk

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