[HCDX]: several
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[HCDX]: several

While testing the performance of the new IC-R75 when listening with it in the 
FM mode, around 27 MHz today at 0900 UT I came across several strange feeders 
carrying live religious broadcasts (catholic?). Most were in English, others 
in seemingly ?Dutch. Channels included 26975, 27065, 27205, 27275, 27295, 
27335, 27375, 27395 kHz FM. I also checked them on an AR7030, so it is 
unlikely that these were just mixing products. At the same time I also found 
some strong SSB signals coming from CBers in the U.K. and Ireland. Nothing 
from the U.S. So, these feeders might have come from the U.K. region. Anybody 
out there with background information?

Remember Radio Voix Sans Frontières broadcasting on shortwave March 20-21? 
Today I received an informative card which might count as a non-detailed QSL. 
All their shortwave frequencies are listed on it. I am not sure whether I 
received this as a member of AMARC or for my eMail I have sent them after 
listening to the station. Anyway, in case you wanna try to get this kind of a 
QSL, send them a report to: europe@xxxxxxxxx

Not bc, but may be interesting for some of us: For celebrating its 90th 
anniversary, the FBI operated a special event station under the call of 
K3FBI. Today I received a splendit A4 certificate and a colourful QSL card 
showing current and former FBI communications facilities. Already a while ago 
I received a QSL from a special event amateur radio station operated by the 
CIA. Interestingly, that card also showed some of these famous numbers groups 
printed on it. So, sometimes you can catch quite interesting signals on the 
ham bands even if you normaly are not into SWLing. I wish our own BND would 
QSL too ;-)

I am trying to find a current web site or eMail address for contacting the 
publisher of the famous South American Handbook (Trade & Travel Publications, 
Bath) in the U.K. Is anybody out there who can give a hint? Directly to my 
eMail address, please.

tnx vy73
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