Re: [HCDX]: (no subject)
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Re: [HCDX]: (no subject)

At 17:38 09/04/99 EDT, you wrote:

>Actually, the official internationally agreed upon standard is:
>Leading zeros included.  That is an ANSI and ISO standard, and has been 
>adopted by the Japanese and SA's, if I remember correctly.

For official  and all user in Brazil/South America is DD-MM-YYYY.
Since very long long time ago....

Vy 73 de PS7KM,
[]´s de,
Karl M Leite                          eMails: kleite@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Rua Estacio de Sa 1838                           ps7km@xxxxxxxxxxx
59054-580 Natal, RN, Brasil          Lighthouse Postcard Collector
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