Re: [HCDX]: Radio Yugoslavia still on the air.
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Re: [HCDX]: Radio Yugoslavia still on the air.

At 04:44 AM 3/29/1999 EST, Harald Kuhl wrote:
><<<< Could this be because the transmitters are located in Bosnia-H. 
> territory and not in Yugoslavia?<<<<<
>I suspect it is because Nato targets at military installations. A shortwave
>broadcast transmitting station is more a civilian installation, even if it is
>used for spreading propaganda.

I don't think this entered into the picture at all.  Remember that the
Iraqi transmitters were one of the first targets during Desert Storm, and
the more recent campaigns.  I agree that it is far more likely that it is
because the transmitters are in a neighbouring country.

                  Walter Salmaniw, Victoria, BC, Canada.
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