Re: [HCDX]: Radio Netherland's Bonaire Txer
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Re: [HCDX]: Radio Netherland's Bonaire Txer

I have had it confirmed via Holland in the past. have you tried this?


-----Original Message-----
From: MRMS - MEDI DX <medidx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 23 March 1999 07:22
Subject: [HCDX]: Radio Netherland's Bonaire Txer

Hola a todos:
Could sound extrange, but I haven't able to QSL the Bonaire Txer of
Radio Netherland. In the past I sent them three reports to the
Spanish section and got no response. This is a very easy catch
but I would love to QSL a new radiocountry (at least for me). Any of
you could give me a reliable address and person to send my report
(in Spanish).
Thank you in advance!

Jorge Garzón. The Mediterranean Radio Monitoring Sce. 'MRMS'
Mairena del Aljarafe, Sevilla (España): 37.2149N 06.0250W
FM: SONY ST-S370 + 2x5el yaguis apiladas
British FM&TV CIRCLE member 49
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