[HCDX]: Re: 1044 kHz - ILG Database
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[HCDX]: Re: 1044 kHz - ILG Database

If you trust in ILG Database frequencies you will get a lot of mistaken 
information. I have learnt that huge databases found in the web are also 
mistaken. That's logic due to the huge amount of data to manage, even if the 
authors are really worried to get the most precise info. I always have a great 
respect for dedicated compilers, but not much confidence in their databases.
As long as I know, the best LW/MW database for European, North African and 
Middle East stations is Herman Boel's one. A brilliant work, but limited to those 
regions (huge work anyway!).

As Juan Antonio Arranz told you, I can confirm that MRC 1044 is used by RTM 
and not by MEDI 1. Last regular transmission by MEDI 1 on 1044 was in 1995. 
>From 1996 to 1998 MEDI 1 has used that frequency twice or three times, 
occasionally, due to mistakes with feeders (curious, isn't it?).

73, Pax et DX

Jorge Garzón
'MEDI DX NEWS' Co-editor
'MRMS' The Mediterranean Radio Monitoring Service 
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