Re: [HCDX]: DXing & Copyright
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Re: [HCDX]: DXing & Copyright

Don Moore wrote:

> In a logging in a recent DX report one of the details I included was
> the station slogan which I heard. I have since been accused by another
> DX of violating his copyright as I did not credit him in my logging.
> He had heard and reported that slogan several days before my logging -

What a ridiculous assertion! Presumably the report in question was about
some obscure Indo or flea powered Peruvian.

Suppose the  first (copyright) report was about a common domestic station
which used a slogan like "KIX Country". Later,  I report hearing the same
station also using the same slogan. Would there be a flap? I think not.
However, the situations are identical. There's no plausible copyright claim
in either case. I'm certain none would be made in my example case. ;-)

As you have already stated, the slogan is the property of the station or the
person who devised it.

It appears you're dealing with a prima donna. Unfortunately our hobby seems
to have more than its share of them. I'd say ignore this turkey.
Werner Funkenhauser
Editor: ODXA Mediumwave Notebook

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