[HCDX]: Indonesians during Ramadan
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[HCDX]: Indonesians during Ramadan
Hi there,
With the Ramadan over, it is time to evaluate the efforts to hear those elusive
Indonesian stations, that are a true DX-hunting goal.
The start (20-24 December) was rather disappointing in my case. Nothing beyond
the usual RRI Jambi on 4925. However, at Christmas things picked up
considerably, and after new year I had quite some interesting catches.
Because of other obligations during my Christmas holiday (my wife also wants me
to do more productive things in the house than just DX-ing), I cannot comment on
what could be received in the afternoon.
However, I had quite some time to listen in the evening from 19-22 UTC. RRI
stations can be received here in C. Europe until Indonesian sunrise (just after
2300 UTC). It is a blessing that most RRI stations play their SCI IS at nearly
each hour, and that the news closes each time with the same theme song. Even
under terrible qrm, one can still identify the IS. Local ID's is of course a
different story..........
This is a summary of what I heard :
3204.5 Consistently a weak carrier on this frequency, RRI Bandung is listed
here, but I do not know if this station is active now. Never got any audio.
3214.9 RRI Manado (Sulawesi); On most evenings a weak carrier, sometimes traces
of audio. Around 22.00 UTC a few times the SCI interval signal could be heard.
Quality too poor to understand anything.
3264.7 RRI Gorontalo (Sulawesi); After new year almost daily with surprisingly
good signal, peaking around 2000 and again at 2200. This station did not carry
news at 2000, but was // other RRI's at 2200. A lot of Islamic chanting, but
also some easy listening music. Plenty of local ID's. I had never heard this
station before. New transmitter ?
3344.8 RRI Ternate (Molucccas); regular around 22.00. Always rather poor,
because of qrm of a Russian DSB station on 3345. Normally the easiest 90m
Indonesian to hear in the evening.
3395.1 RRI Bandar Lampung. Regular around 2200.
3905.0 RRI, Merauke (Irian Jaya), peaking around 2000 with SCI & nx. Nothing
special, as a regular catch.
I did not hear any trace of RRI Banda Aceh that last year also operated on this
3976.1 RRI Pontianak (Kalimantan), Around 2200 noted one time as het under R.
Budapest on 3975, completely blocking any audio. However, from previous
experience, I know that Pontianak may be audible later on (not checked)
4606.5 RRI Serui (Irian Jaya); On nearly every evening a weak carrier on this
frequency. Several times SCI at 2100 and 2200 and news in // with 4925. Too weak
to get local ID. Also heard similar signal during January 1998 Ramadan, also no
ID then.
4696.5 RKIP, Surabaya (Java) tentative. Regularly weak carrier around 20-21 UTC.
One time heard audio with Islamic music, but too weak for ID of any kind.
4753.3 RRI Ujung Pandang (Sulawesi). A regular guest around 21-22 UTC. Never
very strong, but well readable in many cases.
4925.0 RRI Jambi (Sumatra). Booming in each night. Signal only spoilt by utility
qrm near this frequency. Jambi is the ideal comparison for all other may-be
Indonesians to check for the newsformat.
5040 RRI Pekanbaru Heard once with SCI& news at 2200. Comes in irregularly
at this time also outside Ramadan.
7098.1 RRI Jogjakarta (Java). Regularly very weak around 2200 in the middle of
ham QSO's. SCI readable and noted news// to 4925. Too weak for local ID.
Aart Rouw
Bühl, Germany
AR7030 + 15 m longwire
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