[HCDX]: 120 and 90 mtrs
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[HCDX]: 120 and 90 mtrs

Been listening to the tropical bands the last couple of nights with good

12/10/98 0912-0945 UT  3289.8 khz Voice of Guyana in EE with the wake up
Farm Show and local commercials , strange music mix from old country
western to Indu/Hindi ,  good signal, is this new as I have no info on them
in my older reference books

12/10/98 0929 UT 3220 khz HCJB Ecuador in a strange tongue with mention of
"Quito" very good signal
some other exotic unids also on 3172.7,,3279.5,3375.1

12/11/98 1130 UT 2310 and 2325 khz Australia good carriers but weak audio,
will continue to try for these, perhaps even put up an east west dipole for
the frequency, this weekend as the weather here continues to be amazingly

best 73s
Jerry in Syracuse, NY

SP600 ,  amplified 100 meter LW north/south

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