[HCDX]: Re: L V Christiana 21500
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[HCDX]: Re: L V Christiana 21500

> 21500  L V Christiana 1526  with cristian spanish songs  from a concert  till 
> 1546 At 1547  with ID clip  then YL with ID giving addres in MIami POB 481009 ( 
> venti ocho cente i nuove if corect numbers since i do not know spanish) in FL 
> 33144 

NU 1484 has the correct address for this ..

CHILE.  11890.07, Voz Cristiana, 0853-0954 Jun 11, good signal  ("over
9dB"), Christian pop mx, canned ID at 0902, then YL gave another ID
with Florida postal address:  "Esta es Voz Cristiana, alcanzando al
mundo para Cristo.  Puede escribirnos al Apartado Postal 2889, Miami,
Florida 33144. Le repito, Apartado Postal 2889, Miami, Florida 33144."
 This was followed by M&W talk show. (TIN-Japan)

Martin Schoech - Post Box 1136 - 06201 Merseburg - Deutschland
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