[HCDX]: logs 6-21 JUN 1998
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[HCDX]: logs 6-21 JUN 1998

(logs 6-21 JUN 1998: file=DX980621.LOG)

Last report of 1997-1998 DX season ... includes DX 
on the longest day of the year.

Report from Mark Connelly - Times / dates = UTC / 1998

[Connelly*R-MA] = Rockport, MA
(GC= 70.622 W / 42.667 N)
(Granite Pier)
[Connelly*Y-MA] = West Yarmouth, Cape Cod, MA
(GC= 70.223 W / 41.682 N)           
(mother's house)
e-mail = WA1ION@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Receiver: Drake R8A

Antenna system: cardioid array with BBL-1 broadband loop, 
MFJ-1024 whip, and Superphaser-1 phasing unit



549   ALGERIA, Les Trembles, JUN 21 0034 - "moaning" type
male AA vocal; good.  This wasn't as strong as 891, but it 
had much better modulation. [Connelly*R-MA]

774   SPAIN, RNE1 synchros, JUN 21 0052 - SS talk; in CFDR
slop with WABC phased.  This got stronger later on. 

819   MOROCCO (t), Rabat, JUN 21 0032 - segment of "Blue 
Danube Waltz" to good peak.  It seemed // 612, but that 
channel had too much slop to tell for sure. [Connelly*R-MA]

837   CANARY ISLANDS // SPAIN, COPE synchros, JUN 21 0028 -
SS talk mixed with a music station (that, presumably, is
Azores back on frequency, ex-836). [Connelly*R-MA]

855   SPAIN, RNE1, Murcia et al., JUN 21 0105 - // 774 with
interspersed SS talk & music; fair. [Connelly*R-MA]

882   CANARY ISLANDS // SPAIN, JUN 21 0100 - fast SS
newstalk with some synchro-echo present; atop BBC UK. 

891   ALGERIA, Algiers, JUN 21 0022 - AA female talk, then
Oud or similar music; strong carrier with low audio level.

909   MOROCCO (t), Safi, JUN 21 0105 - sounded like AA music,
over the UK station; tough WABI slop. [Connelly*R-MA]

936   SPAIN, RNE5 synchros, JUN 21 0105 - // 774 & 855 with
SS talk and music; poor to fair with possible Morocco under. 

954   SPAIN, R. Espana, Madrid, JUN 21 0107 - woman in SS;
to good peak. [Connelly*R-MA]

999   SPAIN, COPE, Madrid, JUN 21 0020 - bits of SS & het
against strong CKBW. [Connelly*R-MA]

1017   SPAIN, RNE5 synchros, JUN 21 0110 - uptempo C&W-style 
SS vocal, then man in SS; good. [Connelly*R-MA]

1026   SPAIN, SER synchros, JUN 21 0113 - female vocal, then
SS talk; 1 kHz tone or het in the background. [Connelly*R-MA]

1035   PORTUGAL, RDP R. Comercial, Lisboa, JUN 21 0115 -
PP talk, vocal; to good peak over unID (UK ?); WBZ phased.
1044   MOROCCO, Sebaa-Aioun, JUN 21 0019 - operatic-style
vocal, strings, drums; then woman in AA.  Poor, over
likely SER. [Connelly*R-MA]

1044   SPAIN, SER synchros, JUN 21 0117 - SS talk; poor,
over growl. [Connelly*R-MA]

1053   MOROCCO, Tanger, JUN 21 0015 - strong carrier lightly
modulated by man in AA; atop Spain/UK. [Connelly*R-MA]

1089   UNITED KINGDOM, Talk Radio synchros, JUN 21 0120 -
talkshow host said "Let's go to Blackpool.  Albert, you're
on Talk Radio."  Fair to good signal with WBAL phased. 

1098   SPAIN / SLOVAKIA, JUN 21 0121 - SS talk by woman,
evenly mixed with Slav folk music vocal. [Connelly*R-MA]

1107   SPAIN, RNE5 synchros, JUN 21 0124 - man & woman in 
SS talking about "communistas" and "capitalistas"; HUGE
signal. [Connelly*R-MA]

1116   SPAIN, SER synchros, JUN 21 0125 - vocal, then SS 
talk; poor. [Connelly*R-MA]
1125   SPAIN, RNE5 synchros, JUN 21 0130 - // 1107 with
romantic folk SS vocal; poor. [Connelly*R-MA]

1134   SPAIN, COPE synchros, JUN 21 0012 - two men having 
discussion in SS; to good peak.  Vocal noted under was
probably Croatia.  WBBR was phased completely. 

1179   SPAIN // CANARY ISLANDS, SER synchros, JUN 21 0010 -
fragment of vocal, then SS talk; mixed with other, in
combination null of WHAM/WJJF. [Connelly*R-MA]

1197   SPAIN, EI, Vitoria, JUN 21 0132 - SS vocal with
Caribbean influences; poor to fair, over presumed
Virgin R. [Connelly*R-MA]

1215   UNITED KINGDOM, Virgin R. synchros, JUN 21 0134 -
music, then presenter said "That was number 24, down from
number 11 last week."  Sports report mentioning Manchester
United followed.  Fair signal; over presumed Spain.
+ JUN 21 0153 - "Don't Speak" by No Doubt; good signal.

1251   LIBYA, Tripoli, JUN 20 0006 - pre-sunset fade-up.
+ JUN 21 0137 - man in AA; fair. [Connelly*R-MA]

1287   unID, JUN 21 0156 - music, not parallel to SER
Spain 1044, so probably Slovakia instead. [Connelly*R-MA]

1296   SPAIN, COPE, Valencia, JUN 21 0151 - SS talk; mixed
with R. XL, UK. [Connelly*R-MA]

1296   UNITED KINGDOM, R. XL, Birmingham, JUN 21 0151 -
Hindi music; under Spain. [Connelly*R-MA]
1341   NORTHERN IRELAND, BBC, Lisnagarvey, JUN 21 0156 - 
EE sports report; fair. [Connelly*R-MA]

1368   UNITED KINGDOM (t), JUN 21 0148 - het, bits of talk 
that sounded EE.  Slop from WDEA/WFEA was tough.  Isle of
Man is supposed to sign off at 0100, so not likely they.
+ JUN 21 0200 - slightly-sped-up version of the BBC "V"
(...-) timpani heard twice.  There seemed to be a brief
burst of high-band British receptions, especially from
stations transmitting from sites a short distance from 
the sea west and northwest of them. [Connelly*R-MA] 
1395   NETHERLANDS, Lopik, JUN 21 0143 - Dutch teletalk; 
very good. [Connelly*R-MA]

1422   GERMANY, Deutschlandradio, Heusweiler, JUN 21 0144 -
classical music, then GG talk by man; to excellent peak.

1512   SAUDI ARABIA, BSKSA, Jeddah, JUN 21 0141 - AA music
at low audio level; poor, in hard-to-null WNRB slop.  
1548   UNITED KINGDOM, JUN 21 0146 - British teletalk station;
poor.  Liverpool and Bristol, both in western England, would 
have the lowest loss paths to the USA. [Connelly*R-MA] 
1550   ALGERIA - CLANDESTINE, Tindouf, JUN 20 2356 - AA
female vocal at low audio level on strong carrier; domestics
in loop/whip cardioid phase null.  This was the first 
pre-sunset TA noted with audio this afternoon. [Connelly*R-MA]

1584   SPAIN, SER synchros, JUN 20 2357 - SS talk over a 
music station that was probably Ceuta. [Connelly*R-MA]

1602   SPAIN, EI, Vitoria, JUN 20 2358 - fair with jazz.


526   BAHAMAS, ZLS, Stella Maris, JUN 6 0435 - "ZLS" code beacon;
fair in R.V.C.-530 slop. [Connelly*Y-MA]
530   TURKS & CAICOS, R. Vision Cristiana, JUN 21 0035 - 
already good at local sunset with SS religion; hetted by
Spain/Algeria/Madeira-531 jumble. [Connelly*R-MA]

570   CUBA, R. Reloj, JUN 6 0910 - Reloj program; huge,
way over WMCA. [Connelly*Y-MA]

600   CUBA, R. Rebelde, CMKV, Urbano Noris, JUN 6 0407 -
// 1180 with fast SS news mentioning several Latin American
countries. [Connelly*Y-MA]

610   COLOMBIA, Radiodifusora Nacional de Colombia, Uribia,
JUN 6 0406 - Colombian news, Radiodifusora mention; over
others. [Connelly*Y-MA]

630   PUERTO RICO, WSKN, San Juan, JUN 6 0402 - Puerto Rico 
news, SS ads, phone numbers; mixed with WPRO and CFCY. 

640   CUBA, R. Progreso, Guanabacoa / Las Tunas, JUN 6 0401 -
R. Progreso ID; over others. + JUN 6 0913 - // 660 with
serious-sounding SS talk & piano music; huge / dominant.
+ JUN 6 0948 - Progreso ID, still dominant at this late 
time; presumed WNNZ under. [Connelly*Y-MA]

650   COLOMBIA, RCN Antena Dos, HJKH, Bogota, JUN 6 0400 -
Antena Dos ID; in jumble with several others. [Connelly*Y-MA]

660   CUBA, R. Progreso, CMHG, Santa Clara, JUN 6 0913 - 
// 640 with SS talk, piano music; under WFAN. [Connelly*Y-MA]

670   CUBA, R. Rebelde, CMQ, Arroyo Arenas, JUN 6 0355 -
// 1180 with "My Heart Will Go On" by Celine Dion; good,
dominating over suspected YVLL. [Connelly*Y-MA]

690   CUBA, R. Progreso, Jovellanos, JUN 6 0915 - // 640 
with piano music followed by SS talk about culture and the 
arts; good / dominant. [Connelly*Y-MA]

710   CUBA, R. Rebelde synchros, JUN 6 0258 - // 1180 with
jazz instrumentation and "lounge" type SS male vocal;
over/under WOR. [Connelly*Y-MA]

730   MEXICO, XEX, Mexico City, JUN 6 0902 - "La Equis" 
mention; mixed with WJTO/CKAC. [Connelly*Y-MA]  
750   VENEZUELA, YVKS, Caracas, JUN 6 0207 - Venezuelan 
news in SS; way over apparent Jamaica with WSB looped. 

760   COLOMBIA, HJAJ, Barranquilla, JUN 6 0206 - // 770 with
mentions of the Colombian stock market and the "Banco de la 
Republica"; huge, over low growl. [Connelly*Y-MA]
760   MEXICO (t), JUN 6 0935 - salsa music, several songs
in a row; over Reloj / WJR. [Connelly*Y-MA]
770   COLOMBIA, RCN, HJJX, Bogota, JUN 6 0206 - // 760 with
SS news and economic report; atop WABC. [Connelly*Y-MA]

780   VENEZUELA, Ecos del Torbes, YVOD, San Cristobal,
JUN 6 0204 - news program with much musical fanfare, good
ID "Ecos del Torbes"; dominant over CFDR and second SS
station. [Connelly*Y-MA]
800   MEXICO, XEROK, Ciudad Juarez, JUN 6 0900 - SS talk
with Mexican news items; under CKLW. [Connelly*Y-MA]

800   NETHERLANDS ANTILLES, Trans-World Radio, PJB, Bonaire,
JUN 6 0200 - US EE talk, promo. for "Character Spotlight"
program on Sunday, ID "Trans-World Radio, Bonaire", then talk
about Minister James McGee. [Connelly*Y-MA]

830   ST. KITTS & NEVIS, TBN, Basseterre, JUN 6 0240 - // 7510
with black minister doing a revival service; behind WCRN.

860   CUBA, R. Reloj, CMBL, Arroyo Arenas, JUN 6 0344 -
Reloj news by woman, timecheck on the minute; strong, atop
SS vocal station & CJBC. [Connelly*Y-MA]
890   CUBA, R. Progreso, CMDZ, Santiago de Cuba, JUN 6 0425 -
// 640 with mellow romantic SS female vocal; excellent /
dominant. [Connelly*Y-MA]
900   MEXICO, XEW, Mexico City, JUN 6 0855 - jingle 
"Novecientos ... Radio XEW" (doble U, not doble V);
atop WCLZ Maine. [Connelly*Y-MA]

930   CUBA, R. Reloj, JUN 6 0245 - Reloj news & time show;
mixed with WZNN & Canadians. [Connelly*Y-MA]
940   CUBA, R. Reloj, JUN 6 0858 - Reloj program; atop 
XEQ & CBM. [Connelly*Y-MA]
1020   VENEZUELA, Mundial Margarita, YVRS, La Asuncion,
JUN 6 0300 - mentioned "en estada de Nueva Esparta"
+ JUN 6 0335 - R. Margarita ID, followed by anti-drug 
announcement; dominant. [Connelly*Y-MA]

1020   unID, JUN 6 0250 - SS religion; atop other SS station
with KDKA nulled. [Connelly*Y-MA]

1039.58   unID, JUN 6 0252 - het still here.  Believed to
be Colombia.  Can anyone "closer to the action" (Cesar
Objio, or south Florida DXers) get a definite ID here ?

1060   CUBA, CMDX, Baracoa, JUN 6 0308 - LOUD with compressed
audio talk by man, then Latin American vocal with 40's-type 
big-band orchestra. [Connelly*Y-MA]

1090   COLOMBIA, CARACOL, Cucuta/Sogamoso, JUN 6 0255 -
woman in SS (// 1100); under WBAL, over probable YVSZ. 

1100   COLOMBIA, CARACOL, HJAT, Barranquilla, JUN 6 0255 -
woman in SS (// 1090); atop WTAM & growl. + JUN 6 0333 -
mentioned "en Barranquilla". [Connelly*Y-MA]

1170   COLOMBIA, CARACOL, HJNW, Cartagena, JUN 6 0422 -
// 1100 with old-fashioned SS vocal having Afro-Caribbean 
influences; under WWVA. [Connelly*Y-MA]
1180   CUBA, R. Rebelde, JUN 6 0258 - // 710 with jazz 
instrumentation, SS male vocal; atop WHAM. [Connelly*Y-MA]

1375   ST. PIERRE ET MIQUELON, RFO, JUN 20 2353 - Caribbean FF 
music; good to excellent well before sunset. [Connelly*R-MA]

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