This is a unidentified stations list, heards in the East of Spain
Can you help me to identify them?
1623 22/3 2118 unid, Greek, folk mx 24422
1628 15/3 2130 unid, Greek mx
1636 14/3 2315 unid, Dutch mx 24422
1636 22/3 0035 unid, polka
Dutch 24222
1637 20/3 2320 unid, polka Dutch 24322
1642 20/3
2330 unid Greek. mx 24322
1642 22/3 2135 unid Greek mx & talks
1645 22/3 0045 R Barones? mx polka D 24422
1649 15/3 1840 unid, mx
Greek 24432
1654 15/3 1825 unid, techno mx Jean Michel Jarre, breaks,testing?
1685 22/3 1902 unid, mx Greek. enekapende? 24432
1705 20/3 2333
unid, mx Greek.