[HCDX]: Hets or what on 3339 and 3321
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[HCDX]: Hets or what on 3339 and 3321

I've heard to English speaking stations on 90 meter tropical band.
3321  0145  12.2  with ads for what seemed British companies
3339  0110  12.2  with time check for UK/Ireland, otherwise lots of pop music.

These loggings puzzles me somewhat. I guess it could be two things:
1. Pirates
2. Harmonics - as 3321 is 3 times 1107 (which is a European MW frequency)
and 3339 is 3 times 1113 (which is not a European MW frequency).
Haven't had time yet to dig deeper into those tape recordning, but some of
you may still have a clue.

- - - - -

Finally, a comment on "Unfair DX".
Those having no interest in the subject can easily skip the rest...

Risto Kotalampi, list-admin, wrote about "Unfair DX":
>I think points in this discussion are pretty much made now. Interesting
>discussion but let's slow down now and open the radio and see if there
>is something interesting on the band.

I have no intention on prolonging this discussion, but having been away
from the computer for several days (listening to the radio, partly,
scouting new beverage territory, partly, and re-doing the country-side
cottage, mainly) I found it rather interesting to read all those views. 
Shows passion for the hobby, even if that passion obviously differs.

What ought to be said is that "unfair DX" is only a matter when comparing,
and competing, in the hobby. There are soooo many ranking lists, DX awards,
QSL trophes, you name it, which is sooo important to many DXers that rules
are deemed necessary. Why have targets, if you don't have rules defining them?
Right, from here you could go on forever: who's to define the targets, or
the rules?

Personally, I prefer to go on hammering, gardening and listening to those
Andeans stations. I find myself doing that more and more, just listen to
the real nice programmes, when Don Pedro tells La Señora by a radio
comunicado that he will be delayed coming home on the canoe down the Mamoré.
That may not be DXing in the prevailing sense, I might even have that QSL,
but it is darn pleasant. 
It even helps my Spanish...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Hermod Pedersen
Nordic Shortwave Center <http://swl.sydsvenskan.se/>
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