[HCDX]: TFW 50 3/3
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[HCDX]: TFW 50 3/3

THE FOUR WINDS ON LINE  - Copyright 1997 - 1998  Part  3
Year 3 -  Number  50  - Rome, 31 January  1998

LITHUANIA - [non]. Although definitely gone from 5880 earlier in
January, R. Vilnius, English at 0030 via Germany to NAm on 5905,  was
again on //5880 when checked Jan 19 and 20, also noted by Ivan Grishin
(Glenn Hauser, OK / GH SW/DX Report 98-03 Jan 22)

MALAYSIA - RTVM Kuala Lumpur noted with 24-hrs pxing: 5965 Malay, Tamil
4845, English 7295 in period 1700-2000+. External Service in English
signs on at 0455 with "Voice of Islam" program until 0600, then
continues with Voice of Malaysia English service to 0630, noted on 9750
and 15295. Note that R. Bangladesh also has a "Voice of Islam" program,
but different!(Bob Padula, 24/1 / EDXP # 77)

MEXICO - XESHT, 4290, had a full ID at 1259 Sun Jan 18, hourtop break
possible on weekends when not carrying network Monitor program. However,
regular checks on Jan 20, 21, and 22, find the signal missing, so
perhaps the harmonic has been fixed, or XESHT has made the authorized
move to 930 kHz reported some weeks ago as already in effect on Cantu's
website via Arctic Radio Club via Radio Nuevo Mundo. So now we should
look for it on 2790! Cantu also jumped the gun in listing XEIK Piedras
Negras already on 1120 ex-1360, which it certainly was not when I was
there the first week of January (Glenn Hauser, OK/ GH SW/DX Report Jan 
98-03 22)

NETHERLANDS - R. Netherlands Madagascar relay noted on new 11660, ex
11655, for English to Asia *0030-0325*. (Mick Ogrizek, 24/1 / EDXP # 77)

NEW ZEALAND - To write in support of not abolishing Radio New Zealand
International, the Prime Minister, Hon. Jenny Shipley, can be reached at
fax 64-4-473-7045; or P.O. Box 55, Wellington. A cabinet announcement
about the situation was was expected in the following week (RNZI Mailbox
Report 98-03 Jan  22)

NIGERIA - [non]. Weekly check for R. New Nigeria, UT Sun Jan 25 at 0100
found nothing on 5905, tho before 0100 Vilnius via Germany had been
audible mixed with the fax. Perhaps they have run out of money or
programs. If they were smart they would have QSYed to a clear frequency
long ago (Glenn Hauser, OK  / GH SW/DX Report 98-04 Jan 27)

OMAN -  R. Oman, Doha in AA on new 9680 1400-1800, //15140 till 1600,
11740 fr 1600. (2-Jan/PANIVIEW-BUL/WWDXC Top News/Bueschel-GER / NASWA
LN Feb 98)

PAPUA NEW GUINEA - NBC Port Moresby is to commence a new shortwave
service in a few weeks, to be known as "KUNDU NATIONAL", in Pidgin and
Motu, to supplement the remaining provincial stations and to provide an
alternative to the English language "Karai National" service. A "trial
run" of the new service was held on the evening of 31/12, consisting
mainly of music and airing of incoming telephone callers of New Year
greetings from listeners in the various dialects. The 3925 outlet was
used replacing  the traditional English language New Year's Eve program
on 4890. It remains to be seen which daytime frequency will be used -
11880 or a 9 MHz outlet. The transmitting site at Waigani, in the
northern part of Port Moresby, contains two 100 kW and two 10 kW txers.
(Robert Jones 24/1 / EDXP # 77)

PERU -  Looking for R. Barquisimeto's expected reactivation, no sign of
it at many checks on 9510 and 4990, but Jan 21 at 0000 some strange
music had me thinking Itanagar, but it was too early for that, and when
frequency was measured on 4990.9 I was expecting the R. Ancash ID which
came through at 0010, along with frequent UT-5 timechecks (Glenn Hauser,
OK  / GH SW/DX Report 98-03 Jan  22)

PERU - The "R. Guarnica, Guarnaca" item on 5385 I quoted from Fernando
Viloria is believed by Takekshi Sejimo, Radio Nuevo Mundo to have been
R. Huarmaca instead; Fernando tells me he was not sure of it and has not
heard it since (Glenn Hauser / GH SW/DX Report 98-03 Jan 22)

PERU - 6674.56 approx., Jan 25 at 1130 Andean music, 1138 Spanish
announcement, 1140 UT-5 timecheck. Never got ID, but likely Ondas del
Rio Maranon [ma-ra-NYON], which Moore recently had on 6676 (Glenn
Hauser, OK / GH SW/DX Report 98-04 Jan 27)

PHILIPPINES - R. Veritas Asia noted on rarely heard 6190 for morning
Chinese service *2100-2130*. (Bob Padula, 21/1 / EDXP # 77)

PIRATE EUROPE - LASER HOT HITS-Merlin, 6219.9 01-18  0148-0214  Rock
w/IDs "We have you energized, This is Laser, your #1 Free Radio
Station". Then into fade. (433 Comeau-MA / FREE RADIO WEEKLY #106)

PIRATE EUROPE - RADIO FREE LONDON-London, 5805   01-17  2139-2237+
Playing assortment of mx by Dead Kennedys & Sam & Dave. (poor Wolfish-ON
/ FREE RADIO WEEKLY #106) --- 6275   01-17  2052-2247  Same program as
5805 but running 30 minutes  behind 5805 w/mx by Elton John, Cream. etc.
Signal improved after sunset. [Wolfish-ON / FREE RADIO WEEKLY #106) ---
6274.8 01-18  0052-0139  OM DJ w/mx by Tina Turner, Betty Everett, The
Capitols. Talked w/op Andy Walker who said they were only using 25
watts. (333 Leclerc-CT and 344 Arthur-NY / FREE RADIO WEEKLY #106)

SLOVAKIA - Because of new satellite relay, AWR via Rimavaska Sobota has
been cut to one transmission: 11610 at 0500 in Arabic. (Peterson-AWR /
NASWA LN Feb 98)

TURKEY - Voice of Turkey will be replacing 15415 1000-1300 with 15110
beginning 7/2. This being the Turkish Service and the move is to escape
severe sideband splash from VOA 15425 and 15410. (Craig Tyson, 23/1 /
EDXP # 77)

UNIDENTIFIED - Checking out Hans Johnson's Cuban(?) on 6621.3, all I
hear around the frequency is some Vietnamese regional, Jan 21 at 1215 on
6621.5, Viet music and talk with Gander QRM. I wouldn't be surprised if
Hans was getting a WEWN spur (Glenn Hauser, OK / GH SW/DX Report 98-03
Jan 22)

UNITED KINGDOM - Gents, Just got an Email from Audionet that BBC is on
the internet 24 hours live.The URL is < http://www.audionet.com/bbc/ > I
checked it out and it is about 2 seconds behind the shortwave broadcast
on 6195 KHz at 1050 UTC, but it is better audio quality compared to
shortwave. Just thought you'd like to know. (C. Bolland, USA)

USA - I have decided to stand by for phone-feed if necessary  for World
of Radio's scheduled time on WGTG 5085-USB of UT Tue 0500, since it was
missing again Jan 20. Instead, Dave Frantz announced that from March 1,
programming would change with new clients starting on 5085 in evening,
while Fundamental network would continue daytimes on 9400 (which, BTW,
has been there all along, not a recent change from 9495 as imagined in
EDXP and subsequently quoted by Bill Matthews, et al.) (Hauser / GH
SW/DX Report 98-03 Jan 22)

UZBEKISTAN - R. Tashkent changes from mid December, Eng 0100-0130, 0130
Dari, 0200-0230 Pushto, on NF 5040, //5955 5975 7105 9540. German
1935-2030 on NF 5025 replaced 6230 to avoid Dusheti (Georgia), // 7105
9540 11905.(Paniview, Bulgaria 15/1 via BCDX EDXP # 77)

VENEZUELA -  R Ecos del Torbes  after using  for a while 4963 is  now
again  back ( at least for today )  on 4980 HEard 2350 with fair-good
signal . Also 4830 was with fair - good signals After 0000 4980 was
QRMed by Xinjiang PBS at 33333 28/29 Jan 1997  ( Liangas, Greece )

<  Marconi ha dato agli uomini un nuovo
modo di conoscersi, di aiutarsi, di 
amarsi, quale nessun  poeta o scienziato
aveva mai immaginato.  >
                                                  Nuova Antologia 

< La conoscenza e' la prima forma di liberta'. >
                                                       Giovanni Serra 

< Un uomo che abbia qualcosa da dire
e non trovi chi l' ascolta, 
se la passa male.
Ma ancora peggio
se la passano gli ascoltatori
che non trovano nessuno
che abbia qualcosa da dire >
                                              Bertold Brecht, 1927
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