Re: [HCDX]: Re: WRTH Future
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Re: [HCDX]: Re: WRTH Future

At the risk of getting to far off topic, I would like to offer my two 
cents.  I wonder how much influence computers in general and the 
Internet specifically has had wooing would-be newbies from DXing. 
Just a passing thought!

At one time, there was a significant number of folks who would listen 
to the shortwave to get a window on the outside world.  I suspect
that the Internet may have taken the place that shortwave once had 
for these people.


> As to the question of the WRTH, your guess is as good as mine.  As
> to sales I do not know but I have my own measurement which may or
> may not be valid.  
> In San Francisco there is technical bookstore call Stacey's.  For
> the last twenty or so years they are have stocked the WRTH.  Ten
> years ago as soon the WRTH would be issued in late January they
> would have fifty copies in stock.  In two weeks they would be all
> gone and they would reorder maybe thirty more and in a month or two
> they would be gone.  This year I counted eight copies two weeks ago
> as of  today six are still there.  The same story by the way for
> Passport when I first counted three months ago they had about twenty
> copies, today a current  total of  eleven.  People like us,  buy
> their copies at least in the US from places like Grove... and
> newbies from regular bookstores.  Not many newbies?  Maybe, not
> enough of us either?
> Will the next issue of 'Passport to World Band Radio' be titled
> Passport to World Band Radio including the World Radio TV Handbook? 
> _____________________________ Reply Separator
> _________________________________ Subject: [HCDX]: Re: WRTH Future
> Author:  hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxx at ~DPH-INTERNET-MAIL Date:   
> 1/13/98 1:37 PM
> Hi All
> Anyone know what the story is about the WRTH ? 
> Any news on who will replace Andy Sennitt & is the financial
> situation as bad as what has been mentioned? Will it continue this
> next 12 months?
> I'm sick of hearing second hand reports.. What's the real story?
> 73
> Dave
>   ,-._|\  David Onley donley@xxxxxxxxxx
>  /  Oz  \ Never lose site of the bigger  
>  \_,--.x/ picture. Rob a bank!
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