Re: [HCDX]: WJAE-1440 verie signer needed
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Re: [HCDX]: WJAE-1440 verie signer needed

Thats the information from Max, thanks to him!
73 Christoph

In october 1997 I got a QSL letter with the adress:

583 Warren Ave.
Portland,ME 04103

V/s Robert F. Fuller, president

Max van Arnhem
From: Pellisippi <Pellisippi@xxxxxxx> 
To: hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxx 
Subject: [HCDX]: WJAE-1440 verie signer needed
Date: Sun, 11 Jan 1998 09:47:26 EST 

Could someone please repost  the name of the President of WJAE-1440
Maine?      A Scandinavian subscriber provided it over the holidays, but I
have managed to misplace it, and only remember that he is the President and
his middle initial is "F"!     Thanks!																									
Steve Francis       																  	 Alcoa, Tennessee USA	

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