[HCDX]: NFDX congratulations, recent DX, etc.
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[HCDX]: NFDX congratulations, recent DX, etc.

>From Mark Connelly (WA1ION) Billerica, MA, USA - 21 DEC 1997

Greetings to all.  First I must offer congratulatory words to 
Jean Burnell and Neil Kazaross for the excellent Newfoundland 
DXpedition #6 log report they've just released.  Opting for 
quality over quantity, they have crafted a fine DX document 
and have shown that, even during marginal conditions, great 
DX will result when you combine two of the hobby's most 
talented practitioners, top-notch equipment, Beverage antennas, 
and an outstanding seaside location.

Another reason I'm sending this is to wish all a joyful Christmas
and New Year's holiday season.  (And of course, much DX in 1998.)

I'm including a concise preview of some of my weekend DX.  Full 
reports will be issued later: additional listening over the next
week will be added at that time.

Argentina-1620 was the prime target and it was found without a 
great deal of difficulty.  Luckily, much stronger PCH Netherlands
(at about S9+20) could be loop-nulled to reveal the S6 to S7 
Argentinean.  My new job in North Andover, MA is only about a 
half-hour's drive down Route 133 from the great expanse of 
coastal salt-marshes in Rowley.  So on Friday (19 DEC), a milder-
than-usual evening for this time of year, I decided to do a bit 
of after-work DXing before heading to the BADX meeting (and after 
that to Cape Cod).  The session in Rowley netted the following:

(19 DEC: 2333-2359 UTC): Algeria-981, Portugal o/ likely 
Tunisia-963, Argentina-1620: SS religious folk-style vocal 
w/ Afro-pop influences fair in PCH null, Morocco-1044, Spain-1044,
SER Spain-1602, Ceuta / SER Spain-1584 even mix, SER Spain-1575,
Iran-1566 o/ possible India & others, WRHC-FL-1560 through nulled 
WQEW, VOA Kuwait-1548 loud w/ US talk & Christmas songs, unID 
open carrier + rock music on 1557.

(20 DEC: 0000-0059 UTC): Vatican-1530, Kaliningrad (British EE
religion) o/ Greece-1386, Mauritania-1349, BBC N. Ireland-1341,
Norway-1314 local-like !, Spain o/ poss. Poland-1305, Spain o/
jumble-1296, Spain-1287, Cameroon-1286 het only, France (t)-1278
seemed // to heavily-slopped 1242, Libya o/ unID-1251, UK-1215
loud, Spain-Canaries-1179, Spain-1071, Spain-1197 mix w/ possible
Virgin R. UK, Spain-1080 right through WTIC w/ no phasing needed !,
Spain/UK-1053 even mix, UK-1089, Slovakia/Spain-1098 equal,
unID-1035, Spain-1026, Spain-954, UK-909, Algeria-890.95 and
something on exactly 891 causing a growl, UK-882, Spain-873.

(20 DEC: 0100-0111 UTC): Spain-855, Egypt-864, Italy-846,
Morocco-612 local-like and // 819 good, Spain/Syria-783 mix,
Spain-774, Germany-756 and 1422 // w/ Elvis song (both loud),
Spain-756 (u/ Germany), CKXG-NF-680 (C&W) in cardioid null of 
local WRKO, Spain-684 slightly o/ Serbia, Spain-585, Ireland-567.

Then after a quick stop at the BADX meeting in Lexington, MA, it
was off to Harwich, MA on Cape Cod.  A sweep of the dial from
0455-0616 UTC (20 DEC) revealed that the low-band Europeans
were still booming in and that Latin American and Caribbean DX 
reception continued to be poor (these stations were generally 
crushed by strong US & Canadian stations).  The Harwich session:
Spain-531, Spain-603, Spain-684, Algeria-549, Spain-558, 
Ireland-567, Spain-576, Spain-585, Cuba-590, Ireland-612,
Spain-639, Spain-657, Netherlands-675, UK-693, Spain-729,
Spain-738, Netherlands-747, Spain-855, Algeria-981, 
Denmark-1062, Spain-1107, Spain-1116, France-1377, Spain-1485,
France-945, France-1206.

Between some shopping errands on Saturday, I squeezed in some
quick DX sessions at Windmill Beach in South Yarmouth, MA.
The first of these was a 2-hour-before-sunset scan for early-
arrival TA's.  From 1915 to 1928 UTC (2.15 to 2.28 p.m. local)
on 20 DEC the following were noted: Saudi Arabia-1521 (strong!),
UK-1089, Algeria-891a, Kuwait-1548, Germany-1539, France-1377 &
St. Pierre-1375, UK-1215, Denmark-1062, and Algeria-981.

Around 2015 UTC, just before dinnertime, I took another drive 
near the beach and noted all of the early signals noted above plus
N. Ireland-1341, an unID approx. 2 kHz het on 1530 (Middle
East ?), Mauritania-1349, Spain-1359, Spain-Canaries-1179,
Croatia/Spain-1134, Slovakia/Spain-1098, Spain-1107, UK/Spain/
Morocco (presumed)-1053 in WEVD splash, Morocco-1044, Spain-999,
unID-819 (Morocco and/or Egypt), Spain-774, Spain-639, 
Canaries-621, Morocco-612, and Algeria-549: all of these 
with the sun still shining brightly.

The final Windmill Beach (S. Yarmouth, MA) DX session was just 
after dinner.  I used the Drake R8A with the usual car roof-top 
set-up of a broadband active whip phased against a remotely-tuned
ferrite loop (to produce rotatable cardioid single-null antenna 
patterns).  Logs are as follow:

(20 DEC: 2141-2149 UTC): Algeria-1544, Germany(t)-1539,
Saudi Arabia-1521, Belgium-1512 at first ... then Saudi took
over, France-1467: AA preaching .. LOUD !, Mauritania-1349 huge

(20 DEC: 2200-2251 UTC): Italy-1332 "RAI .. Buona Sera" and 
into news - excellent !, Norway-1314, Spain o/ unID-1296, 
Slovakia(?)/Spain-1287 mix, unID AA music-1216.1 - this thing
noted recently by Merriman is for real.  It was buggering up
Virgin-1215 something fierce.  Denmark-1062 just a very strong 
open carrier at the time w/ other stuff under.  Spain-Canaries-837
local-like w/ Azores under, Spain-792, Senegal o/ Switzerland-765,
Venezuela-750 w/ CKGB/CBGY, Burkina Faso-747 (// 4815), Western
Sahara-711, Morocco-612 big, Morocco-594 (// 612) o/ Portugal,
Tunisia-585.06 het only, Netherlands-1395.0 good (no sign of the
variant-frequency Albanian), Kaliningrad-1386 EE program 

(20 DEC: 2333-2352 UTC): I ran a wire to the south to extract
some Pan-Americans from the heavy domestic QRM.  Noted
Argentina-1620 w/ SS evangelical programming, teletalk, and
Argentina mentions.  The south wire helped to fend off the
strong PCH interference.  Other Pan-Am's included probable
Dominican Republic-1570 (SS preaching), Anguilla-1505 (this
one isn't even reported that often by DXpedition teams), 
Cuba-1060, St. Kitts-895, St. Kitts-555.  One of the
intriguing aspects of the south wire was the number of 
"off-channel" carriers noted.  These included 1353.05, 1321, 
1129.6, 1060.3, 1039.6, 859.8, 860.3, and 820.2.  I think
that 860.3 is Colombia (as bits of typical accordion music 
surfaced there from time to time).  Also, from previous 
reports, the 1129.6 and 1039.6 things are probably from 
Barranquilla.  With all the high-quality DXing going on 
lately, and the widespread dissemination of DX tips via the 
Internet, it shouldn't take too long to solve some of these 
mysteries.  The South Florida DXers might be able to get a 
handle on some of these.

That's it for now ... Once again 73, good DX, and all the 
best wishes for the holiday season ... Mark, WA1ION
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