[HCDX]: NEWS: DPRK harmonics strongest in years!
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[HCDX]: NEWS: DPRK harmonics strongest in years!


North Korean harmonics are booming in here with strongest signals since
last sunspot peak. I received the following, among many others, between
0400-0600 (1-3 p.m. local time) on Nov. 18.

 5700 (SIO 232) = 2 x 2850 Korean Central BS
 6962 (SIO 433) = 2 x 3481v Voice of National Salvation (cland.)
10443 (SIO 333) = 3 x 3481v Voice of National Salvation (cland.)
11400 (SIO 444) = 4 x 2850 Korean Central BS
12500 (SIO 333) = 2 x 6250 Pyongyang BS
12800 (SIO 222) = 2 x 6400 Pyongyang BS
14250 (SIO 344) = 5 x 2850 Korean Central BS
17100 (SIO 232) = 6 x 2850 Korean Central BS
18300 (SIO 242) = 3 x 6100 Korean Central BS
23360 (SIO 343) = 2 x 11680 Korean Central BS

Harminics of North Korean jammers against the South's "Voice of the People"
and "Radio Echo of Hope" (both clandestine) are also very strong on 12690,
13020, and 13200.

South Korean stations (both official and clandestine) do not seem to
produce harmonics like North Koreans do.


Sonny M. Ashimori   <sonny@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Yaesu FRG-7700 + 40m Dipole   QTH 43.34N/135.20E
DXing North Korea http://www.serve.com/ashimori/dxnk.html
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