[HCDX]: R. Carupano, Venezuela
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[HCDX]: R. Carupano, Venezuela

	LOST AND FOUND.  Dario Monferini in Italy advises that a friend of his who
visited Venezuela in 1994 recently received a prepared card QSL from R.
Carupano, Venezuela, 1110 kHz., which he heard while he was there.  In the
envelope was another prepared card for an unnamed DXer who reported hearing
R. Carupano at 2315-2330 UTC on January 30, 1996.  The prepared card has
the marking "A Lion Brand Product" on the address side of the card.
Dario's friend would like to get this card in the hands of whomever it
belongs to.  If anyone sent the station a report for the above period, or
knows who did, please contact me at jberg@xxxxxxxx and I will pass the word


	Jerry Berg
	Lexington, MA, USA

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