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>From JST@xxxxxxxx
From: JST@xxxxxxxx (Joachim Stiller)
Subject: Re: [HCDX]: KAIJ address
Date: Sat, 8 Nov 97 19:05:00 CET
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Hallo Charlie:
> >is there anyone who recently got an answer from this address given
> >for KAIJ in the WRTH:
> >
> >Two If By Sea Broadcasting
> >22720 S.E. 410th Str.
> >Enumclaw
> >WA 98022
> >USA
> this is not recent, but I have a QSL from them dated November 25,
> 1994. The QSL shows the USA patriotic scene of 1 if by land, 2 if
> by sea laterns being held up by a colonial man in a church steeple.
> In Black & White. Signed by Fred Bithell. No address listed on the
> QSL.
thanks for that. Yopu're lucky having received this, possibly I should
have tried 19ยด94 also. 73's de
Joachim Stiller in Central Germany
editor of DSWCI's ute-shack
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