[HCDX]: LOG: radio logs + QSL !
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[HCDX]: LOG: radio logs + QSL !

A TV news : ET 2  is now called NET 

Indonesia, 9680, RRI jakarta with arabic songs at 2236 2x232 Liangas

USA 9630 WYFR 24 Oct , 2233 , in CC and IS After this in slow english over RNE 
32332. New entry started one week ago LIangas Greece

Story of 9535 ! 
unIDed in 2220 in ndoendsian language , but presume indonesian station,   with 
peak signals at 24122 due to high local noise. At 25 @2229 with songs but then 
QRM w China R intl  At 26 Oct , 2330 , mixed with R Veritas and RCI (!) at 
33232 for all this time LIangas Greece 

INDONESIA , 9680,  RRI Jakarta , 24 Oct and  then , arab songs @ 2236 -2250 At 
25 Oct signal was 44433 till 2310 other days 34233( due to strong local QRN ) 

Taiwan, 15125, CBC , for th 1st time heard in Thessaloniki 25-10 . OM
spkg @1048 w song afterwards. 23322

Pakistan ,17835, R Pakistan 25-10  IS with shitar  OM spkg in EG @11xx
Liangas Greece

Italy ,7120 , IRRS , 25-10 OM spkg fanatic style @1158  songs @1200 ,
34443Liangas Greece

LIangas Greece 

GREECE 15175 ERA 5  Oct 26 at 1200 with IS  then natl antherm 33343  then nnfo  
in greek . Target : EW Europe + N America  Liangas Greece 

GUAM 7400 AWR Oct 26 ID " this is R Voiceof Hope " in Eng  thenin burmese 

MOLDOVA 9400 R MOldova nx in EE  1245(2.11)  44344 Liangas Greece

??? 15330 unIDed station in burmese at 1335 ( 2.11) man  leaking poems ( or 
like sounding poems ) Station  stopped at around 1347 leaving R pakistan 
underneath . tried also next day at 1330 again with s off at 1347 again . 44434 
but sometimes  the urdu  station coverred also the signal for awhile 
Liangas Greece 

-- -- QSL : 
NEPAL : ON 23--10-97 i have receievd a QSL card from R Nepal  signed by RR S 
Karki  for a reecption of 20 -2- 96 in 5005 1605-13 . 
Adressradio broadcasting service POB 634 Kathmandu Nepal 

"adhered AM-HCDXers never listen to FMS!"
Zacharias Liangas

pen-DX sejak 72
anggota World-DX-Club 2104,Play DX, DSWCI #3507
http://www.compulink.gr/Users/zliangas/central.htm  (my :new !) 
http://www.clandjop.com/~jcruzan/greek-p.html  (mirrored for greek pirate radio )
pesawat penerima : Lowe HF 150 , SONY IFC 7600 D , Philips 2935 antena 6 m & 11 m 
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