[HCDX]: LW logging
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[HCDX]: LW logging

Put up a new long wire (30 meters), but due to the steel/concrete construction of the building I live in, a lot of signal is lost between the top floor and the third (my rx). Still there is enough signal and quite clean, so I made this fist longwave logging...

207 kHz 1616-1627 JRTV Jordan 1997/19/17 Arab singing followed by woman presenter into Arab chanting. IDed by checking //6105 kHz which came in pretty good (SINPO 33443). QRM by beacon MT. SINPO 24332

Some 8000 km, so not bad for a start.
Hans van den Boogert - DSWCI 3029
Tucheng City, Taiwan
JRC NRD-525, Panasonic RF-B65L, Datong FL-3
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