BULLETIN: amnf 9-4-97
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BULLETIN: amnf 9-4-97

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            WELCOME TO IRCA's AM-DX NEWSFLASH   -  September 4 1997
                                 Vol 3  No 23



 PLEASE, PLEASE include your location with your reports...

 Deadline for next issue = Thursday, September 11 1997 @ 1930 UTC (1230

 Send all contributions to Phil Bytheway @ Philip_Bytheway@xxxxxxx

 The AM DX NewsFlash is sent weekly from Hughes Aircraft in Mukilteo WA
    All contributions will be used
    Comments regarding content are appreciated

 With your submission, please include as a minimum:
    Your name, location and email address

 Tell your email friends about "AM DX NewsFlash"
    To receive this email newsletter, send your email ID, name and
    to Philip_Bytheway@xxxxxxx

 Folks who's bulletins are returned twice in a row are dropped from the
    If your email address changes, please let me know!

 Information appearing the the NewsFlash can be quoted provided the
    author and "AM DX NewsFlash" are given proper credit.

 Soft copies of the latest IRCA BookStore and Reprint Updater are
   from:  Philip_Bytheway@xxxxxxx

To join the IRCA, send the appropriate dues to:  IRCA HQ
                                                 PO Box 1831
                                                 Perris CA  92572-1831

        US                     -  $25.00/year (30 issues)
         Trial (US only)       -  $ 9.50/10 issues (one time only)
        CANADA                 -  $27.00/year (30 issues)
        Overseas Surface       -  $28.50/year (30 issues)
        Overseas Air (CA & SA) -  $35.00/year (30 issues)
        Overseas Air (Europe)  -  $38.00/year (30 issues)
        Overseas Air (rest)    -  $41.00/year (30 issues)

                    X         XX    XX     XX    X     XXXXXXX
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                  XXXXX       X  XX  X     X  X  X     XXXX
                 X     X      X      X     X   X X     X
                X       X     X      X     X    XX     X

Paul Ormandy - paulorm@xxxxxxxx

Convention '98 Updater.
    Interest in next year's Convention has brought intentions of
from>Scotland, England, Finland, Hawaii as well as Australia and New
    Just to remind everyone, here is a tentative schedule of what is
so far:
    The Convention is being held at Camp Iona, which is located near the
township of Herbert, about 20km South of Oamaru on SH 1. It is being
over Waitangi Weekend so Friday the 6th is a public holiday. Camp Iona
consists of a large hall where we will have our meals and auction,
workshops, discussions etc. A large "Lodge" fully self-contained and
reserved for our older members, several accomodation blocks, similar to
motor-camp cabin standards and several ablutions areas as well as ample
ground for aerials and an obstacle course.
    Thursday 5th February:
    3:00pm Convention officially begins. Welcome, afternoon tea and a
general chat and get to know each other session.
    Friday 6th February
    To be advised
Saturday 7th February
    7:00am - 12:00 pm to be advised
    12:00pm Meet at Boulders Park Restaurant for 50th Anniversary
        Commemorative meal & speeches, then back to Camp Iona for
        tea and reminiscences
Rest of day to be advised
    Sunday 8th February
    7:00am onwards
    9:00am Official Convention close
    12:00pm Premises vacated

    We have a few items lined up to "fill in the blanks" including an
auction, a night-time visit to Oamaru's Little Blue penguin colony,
trips to Shag Point, Moeraki, Trotter's Gorge, Puketapu, a quiz night,
of cricket, trip to top of Mt Stalker for FM enthusiasts, Church Service
etc. We are also organising guest speakers on topics like "DXing and the
Internet", a visit from the guys at Mainland Radio, etc.
    The Convention registration fee has yet to be set, it will be around
NZ$75 per person and will cover all meals at Camp Iona and the
Lunch as well as accomodation. You will need to bring your own sleeping
pillows, blankets etc. NB: You will need to bring your headphones - you
use these when listening to avoid disturbing others!
    Please let us know if:
- you only want to attend on certain days or for certain events, e.g.
Commemorative Dinner, your fee will be charged accordingly.
- you would like arrangements to be collected of dropped off in Oamaru
arrival/departure via bus, train etc
- you would rather opt for a little more comfort and stay at a nearby
(we can send you details of these).
    A full registration form will be published shortly. If you have any
further enquiries, please write to Convention '98...
c/o Paul Ormandy, 33 Greta Street, Oamaru 8901, New Zealand







The IRCA Bookstore is proud to announce that the 'M Street Corporation'
agreed to offer a discount on their 1997 'M Street Radio Directory' to
NewsFlash members ordering through the IRCA Bookstore.  The Directory
contains a complete listing of over 15,000 radio stations (AM/FM,
including the following information:  facilities, ownership, formats,
station personnel, phone numbers (and FAX), addresses, ratings, as well
information on almost 400 radio markets in the US and Canada.  Stations
listed by location (complete info), frequency (frequency, call,
power and pattern) and call (call, frequency, location) and market
(frequency, call, location, rating, format).  It also includes a former
reference (old call, location and current call).  Major network
(addresses/phone numbers/etc) and several interesting radio articles are
included as well.

The price to US and Canadian NewsFlash members ordering through the IRCA
Bookstore is $44.95 post paid (UPS address required).  The book is
to be out by the end of May (usual disclaimer on date 'cause we can't be
sure!).  Retail will be 55.95.  NOW DUE OUT IN THE FALL, perhaps!!!

Europe - add $5.00 for surface, $19.20 for airmail delivery.
Australia/New Zealand - add $5.00 for surface, $27.25 for airmail

IRCA Bookstore, 9705 Mary NW, Seattle WA  98117-2334
   Please make checks payable to:  Phil Bytheway.




Jorma Mantyla - jmantyla@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


JM/N = Jorma Mantyla, Nurmes, Northern Carelia, 23.-28.8.1997
 (N.B. Nurmes is in Eastern Finland, some 50 km from the Russian border,
 relatively close to the easternmost point of the European Union.)
Rx: Icom IC-R71E + preselctor.
Ant: 550 m Beverage 80 degrees (east).

First of all:  thanks to Jean Burnell & co. for the nice log of their
dx-pedition to Washington state in the US.  This log has news value for
dx'ers here in Scandinavia, too.  It often happens that stations dx'ers
hear in the US are audible even here.  Especially stations on odd &
frequencies can be heard in various places around the world.


1385,9    28.8.     -2230*    R Rural, Labe.  QRM Thai 1386.


711       27,28.8.  -1743*    AIR Siliguri. After 26 years of
                              hunting.  Local ID at cd.
774       23.8.     1859      DWWW Quezon City.  Not listed in
                              WRTH but clear ID.
801       26.8.     -1743*    AIR Jabalpur.
864       24.8.     1755      TWR via R Armenia.
891       23.8.     1900      HLKB Busan.
1242      23.8.     1945      JOLF Tokyo. My only jap this time.
1242      26.8.     1640      Vo Vietnam. New high power tx?
1269      27.8.     1753      Mor Kor.
1360,6    24,27.8.  2030      DZYR San Fernando. Most often
                              heard phl on this split.
1377      25.8.     2128      Wor Phol Sii, Phitsanulok.
1386      28.8.     2235      Por Chor Sor.  QRM Guinea
1512,5    24.8.     2115      DYAB Cebu City.
1530      24.8.     -1741*    AIR Agra.  Local ID at cd.
1584      25.8.     1741      AIR Keonjhar.  Local ID.
1593      26.8.     1546      AIR Bhopal.


729       26,28.8.  1800      5RN Adelaide.
774       26.8.     1756      3LO Melbourne.
1620      24.8.     1920      4ADR Nerang.  Techno & rap.
                              Australian Dance Music radio.
                              Tnx to JB et al. For this tip!
1638      24.8.     1852      2ME Castle Hill.  Id in Arabic:
                              "Idaa't l'Libnan... 2ME!"


TELEPHONE NUMBER:  204-253-8644
E-MAIL:  saxelrod@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

1160  WBOB  KY Florence 08/31 0645 Fair to Good signals with ad for
             football and other sports talk. ID's as "AM 11-60 Bob". New
             call ex WKYN NEW (Axelrod-MB)
1550  KYCY  CA San Francisco 09/01 0730 Poor to fair signals with KRGO.
             Country music and ID's as "96.3 KYCY Young Country".
             NEW (Axelrod-MB)
1550  KRGO  UT West Valley City 09/01 0743 Fair signals on top of KYCY
             EZL or Adult standards. Full ID as "KRGO West Valley City".
             Ex-KRGQ NEW  (Axelrod-MB)


1470  KBSN  WA Moses Lake 09/01 0750 fair signals with local ads and
             KSBN ID's. They must have changed s/on time as no longer
             on at 0800 as per LOG (Axelrod-MB)

Well let the games begin! Three new ones in a weekend. My first new ones
since May when CBW was nice enough to go off for about 90 minutes.
this will be a great season as it sure has started off very nicely.


Mark Connelly - wa1ion@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Night-Time Medium Wave Bandscan: Cape Cod, MA, USA
prepared 4 SEP 1997 by Mark Connelly - WA1ION

    The list below contains medium wave broadcast stations that are
from sites on Cape Cod at night.  Many of the stations can be heard just
about every night.  Others are somewhat tougher DX that might take a few
months of serious listening to uncover. I have tried to exclude "super
once-in-a-lifetime type stuff. The Newfoundland reports (for foreign DX)
the past 20 years or so of Ernie Cooper's loggings from Provincetown
(largely of unusual domestic DX) can point the dedicated DXer to targets
uncommon to cover in this list.  My main emphasis here is on the "stable
mid-evening period", roughly from two hours after local sunset to two
after local midnight.  Sunset and dawn openings bring forth many
stations, but many of these cannot be heard on a consistent basis.
    Besides being a world-class resort area, Cape Cod has a large full-
population, including many retirees.  Some sections are heavily
developed -
overbuilt in the opinion of more than a few.  But the area retains much
its traditional feel along old Route 6A where many houses built in the
and 18th centuries can still be found.  There is still a good deal of
undeveloped conservation land, especially in the Cape Cod National
Typical landscapes include beaches, dunes, pine & oak woods, cranberry
and fresh and salt water marshes.  Cape Cod sits below the airline paths
from most of Europe to New York and Washington.  It is also America's
door to Europe" when it comes to incoming radio signals.  That fact was
lost on Guglielmo Marconi when he established the first USA to Europe
wireless communication from his site in Wellfleet.  Amateur radio
Irving Vermilya (W1ZE) and the famous WCC maritime communications
also wrote important chapters in the area's radio history book.  Right
through the Cold War years, just before satellites took over, the sky
the Massachusetts coast was the high-speed lane of the Europe - USA
information superhighway.  The communications traffic ranged from
broadcasts to the most strategic military data.  Over the years,
medium wave DXers have recognized the same propagational advantages of
locations such as Cape Cod and Long Island that the big commercial and
government users knew about.
    Although I am not a full-time resident of Cape Cod, I do have access
family homes at East Harwich and West Yarmouth.  The East Harwich
were used as the "baseline" for this list.  Some of the Latin American
(especially Brazilian) logs were made from beach DX sites such as
Beach in South Yarmouth: such receptions are more common there than at
more-inland house sites and, in any event, often require auroral
activity to
weaken co-channel US / Canadian domestics.  Auroral conditions and the
of Beverage antennas at beach sites will actually provide Latin American
African DX beyond what I have listed here.  The same is true for Florida
other southern domestics: Ernie Cooper has heard many of these on
"graveyard" channels during aurora, but I haven't tried to include them
    European DX is best from September to March.  Some of the higher
Trans-Atlantic stations, especially from Spain and the Arab countries of
North Africa, can be heard year 'round.  Best results will be at an
eastward-facing beach right after local sunset.  An antenna system that
provide a cardioid pattern (such as a loop phased against a whip) will
go a
long way in reducing interfering stations coming from the opposite
of desired DX.
    For each frequency, stations are listed with the most common one
and then onward in decreasing order of dominance.
    This text version can easily be converted to an Excel or Lotus
compatible file through a simple BASIC program or a spreadsheet "macro".
    Corrections / comments on the list are welcomed at my home E-mail
address of "WA1ION@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" or via snail-mail to 30 William Road,
Billerica, MA 01821-6079 USA.

kHz  | stations
 530 | R.V.C - Turks & Caicos | CIAO - ON
 531 | Spain | Algeria | Madeira | Switzerland
 535 | Grenada
 540 | CBT - NF | WLUX - NY | CBGA1 - PQ | WQTM - FL | XEWA - Mexico
     | YVOV - Venezuela | CBEF - ON | HJKA - Colombia | Morocco
 549 | Algeria
 550 | YVKE - Venezuela | WDEV - VT | WPNW - RI | CHNO - ON | CHLN - PQ
     | Cuba | RJR - Jamaica
 555 | ZIZ - St. Kitts & Nevis
 558 | Spain
 560 | WGAN - ME | WFIL - PA | WHYN - MA | Cuba | WQAM - FL
     | YVRH - Venezuela | CHVO - NF
 567 | Ireland | Spain
 570 | WMCA - NY | CJEM - NB | R. Reloj - Cuba | WSYR - NY
     | YVLX - Venezuela
 576 | Spain
 580 | WTAG - MA | WKAQ - Puerto Rico | CJFX - NS | WHP - PA
     | CFRA - ON | Jamaica | YVMJ - Venezuela
 585 | Spain | Tunisia
 590 | WEZE - MA | VOCM - NF | Cuba | YVKL - Venezuela | CKRS - PQ
 594 | Portugal | Morocco | Saudi Arabia
 595 | Dominica
 600 | Cuba | WICC - CT | YVQB - Venezuela | HJHJ - Colombia
     | CKCL - NS | CBNA - NF | ZYK275 - Brazil | Suriname | CIQC - PQ
 603 | Spain | Madeira | France
 610 | WGIR - NH | WIP - PA | CHNC - PQ | HJKL - Colombia | WIOD - FL
     | Trinidad & Tobago
 612 | Morocco | Ireland | Spain
 620 | WZON - ME | WVMT - VT | Cuba | WXLX - NJ | Antigua
     | HJEL - Colombia | WSUN - FL | ZYH590 - Brazil | WHEN - NY
 621 | Canary Islands // Spain | Egypt
 630 | WPRO - RI | CFCY - PE | CHLT - PQ | WSKN - Puerto Rico
     | YVKA - Venezuela
 639 | Spain
 640 | CBN - NF | Cuba | WNNZ - MA | Guadeloupe | YVQO - Venezuela
     | WWJZ - NJ
 648 | Spain | Saudi Arabia | Gambia
 650 | HJKH - Colombia | WRPT - MA | WSM - TN | YVLH - Venezuela
     | CKGA - NF
 657 | Spain
 660 | WFAN - NY | Cuba | St. Lucia | YVNA - Venezuela | HJJM - Colombia
 666 | Portugal | Spain
 670 | YVLL - Venezuela | Cuba | WMAQ - IL | Suriname | WWFE - FL
 673 | CKXB - NF
 674 | Libya
 675 | Netherlands
 680 | WRKO - MA | CKXG - NF | WAPA - Puerto Rico | Cuba | WPTF - NC
     | CFTR - ON
 684 | Spain | Serbia
 690 | CBF - PQ | Anguilla | HJCZ - Colombia | YVMR - Venezuela
     | ZYH587 - Brazil | WOKV - FL | HCJB - Ecuador
 693 | BBC - U.K. | Azores | Spain
 700 | WLW - OH | HJCX - Colombia | YVMH - Venezuela | YVPQ - Venezuela
     | CHSJ - NB | Jamaica
 702 | Morocco | Spain | Slovakia
 705 | St. Vincent
 710 | WOR - NY | Cuba | YVKY - Venezuela | CKVM - PQ
 711 | W. Sahara | Libya | France
 720 | CHTN - PE | YVQE - Venezuela | WGN - IL | HJAN - Colombia
 729 | Spain | Ireland
 730 | CKAC - PQ | WJTO - ME | WACE - MA | XEX - Mexico
     | Trinidad & Tobago | HJCU - Colombia | HIZ - Dominican Republic
 738 | Spain
 740 | CHCM - NF | CBL - ON | R. Progreso - Cuba | YVNC - Venezuela
     | WJIB - MA | WIAC - Puerto Rico | YVNQ - Venezuela
     | ZYH446 - Brazil
 747 | Netherlands | Canary Islands // Spain | Burkina Faso
 750 | YVKS - Venezuela | WSB - GA | CKGB - ON | CBGY - NF
     | Jamaica | HJDK - Colombia
 756 | Germany | Spain
 760 | HJAJ - Colombia | WJR - MI | R. Reloj - Cuba
     | YVQQ - Venezuela | Guyana | ZYH588 - Brazil
 765 | Switzerland | Senegal
 770 | WABC - NY | HJJX - Colombia | YVKK - Venezuela
 774 | Spain | Egypt
 780 | CFDR - NS | WBBM - IL | YVOD - Venezuela
     | YVMN - Venezuela | ZBVI - British Virgin Islands
     | HJZW - Colombia | HJZG - Colombia
 783 | Syria | Spain | Portugal | Germany
 789.8 | Barbados
 790 | WLKW - RI | CFAN - NB | CIGM - ON | Cuba | WNIS - VA
     | CFNW - NF | WAXY - FL
 792 | Spain | France
 800 | CJAD - PQ | PJB - Neth. Antilles | CKLW - ON
     | CHRC - PQ | WCCM - MA
 801 | Spain | Jordan
 810 | WGY - NY | CJVA - NB | HJCY - Colombia | Bahamas
     | Spain | ZYH589 - Brazil
 819 | Egypt | Morocco | Spain
 820 | WNYC - NY | CHAM - ON | WWLZ - NY | HJED - Colombia
     | YVSH - Venezuela | YVXG - Venezuela | WBAP - TX
 827 | Syria
 828 | Spain
 830 | WCRN - MA | TBN - St. Kitts & Nevis | CFJR - ON
     | YVLT - Venezuela | WCCO - MN
 836 | Azores
 837 | Canary Islands // Spain | France
 840 | WHAS - KY | Cuba | HJBI - Colombia | YVMY - Venezuela
     | St. Lucia | ZYK687 - Brazil
 846 | Italy
 850 | WEEI - MA | CKVL - PQ | WTAR - VA
 855 | Spain | Romania
 860 | CJBC - ON | R. Reloj - Cuba | HILR - Dominican Republic
     | HJNJ - Colombia | YVOL - Venezuela | YVYE - Venezuela
     | ZYJ459 - Brazil | HOL55 - Panama | ZYH592 - Brazil
 864 | Egypt | Spain | France
 870 | WLAM - ME | WHCU - NY | WWL - LA | Cuba
     | HJSB - Colombia | LRA1 - Argentina
 873 | Spain | AFN - Germany
 880 | WCBS - NY | YVYM - Venezuela | YVKU - Venezuela | Cuba
     | ZYL275 - Brazil
 882 | BBC - U.K. | Canary Islands // Spain
 890 | WBPS - MA | WLS - IL | Cuba | HJCE - Colombia
     | HJPM - Colombia
 891 | Algeria | Portugal
 895 | St. Kitts & Nevis
 900 | CKTS - PQ | CKDH - NS | CHML - ON | CJBR - PQ | Cuba
     | Barbados | XEW - Mexico | YVMD - Venezuela
 907.8 | Gambia
 909 | BBC - U.K. | Morocco | Azores
 910 | WABI - ME | CHRL - PQ | WNEZ - CT | YVRQ - Venezuela
     | CKLY - ON | WSBA - PA | WRNL - VA
 918 | Spain | Syria (?)
 920 | CJCH - NS | WHJJ - RI | WIRD - NY | CKNX - ON
     | WMEL - FL
 927 | Belgium
 930 | WZNN - NH | CFBC - NB | WPAT - NJ | CJYQ - NF
     | WBEN - NY
 936 | Spain | Germany
 940 | CBM - PQ | YVNN - Venezuela | R. Reloj - Cuba
     | HJGB - Colombia | XEQ - Mexico | WINZ - FL
 945 | France
 950 | WPEN - PA | CKNB - NB | WROL - MA | CHER - NS
     | WIBX - NY | YVKG - Venezuela
 954 | Spain | Qatar
 960 | CHNS - NS | WELI - CT | HJOP - Colombia
     | R. Reloj - Cuba | YVRB - Venezuela
 963 | Portugal
 970 | WZAN - ME | CBZ - NB | WWDJ - NJ
 972 | Spain | Germany | Ukraine
 980 | WTRY - NY | WCAP - MA | CBV - PQ | WWRC - DC
     | HJES - Colombia | WILK - PA
 981 | Algeria | Portugal
 990 | WALE - RI | WZZD - PA | WCMF - NY | CBY - NF
     | CKGM - PQ | YVTA - Venezuela | WHOO - FL
 999 | Spain
1000 | CKBW - NS | CFLP - PQ | WMVP - IL | HJAQ - Colombia
     | YVNM - Venezuela | ZYK522 - Brazil | XEOY - Mexico
1008 | Canary Islands | Spain | Netherlands
1010 | WINS - NY | CFRB - ON | HJOP - Colombia
     | ZYH625 - Brazil
1017 | Germany | Spain | Turkey
1020 | C.C.R. - Turks & Caicos | KDKA - PA | YVRS - Venezuela
1026 | Spain
1030 | WBZ - MA | HJER - Colombia
1035 | Italy | Portugal
1040 | HION - Dominican Republic | WZNA - Puerto Rico
     | YVLB - Venezuela | WHO - IA | WJNA - FL
     | ZYK537 - Brazil
1044 | Spain | Morocco
1050 | WEVD - NY | CHUM - ON | XEG - Mexico
1053 | TalkRadio - U.K. | Spain | Morocco | Romania
1060 | KYW - PA | Cuba | YVLN - Venezuela
1062 | Denmark | Italy | Turkey
1070 | CBA - NB | CHOK - ON | YVMA - Venezuela
     | HJAH - Colombia | HJCG - Colombia | French Guiana
     | LR1 - Argentina
1071 | Spain | France
1080 | WTIC - CT | YVQJ - Venezuela | Spain
     | YVNR - Venezuela
1088 | Angola
1089 | TalkRadio - U.K. | Albania
1090 | WBAL - MD | YVSZ - Venezuela | HJBC - Colombia
     | CKKW - ON
1098 | Slovakia | Spain
1100 | WTAM - OH | HJAT - Colombia | ZDK - Antigua
     | ZYK694 - Brazil | YVSW - Venezuela | YVOP - Venezuela
1107 | Spain
1110 | WBT - NV | CKTY - ON | YVQT - Venezuela
1114.9 | Angola
1116 | Spain
1120 | WPRX - CT | WADN - MA | KMOX - MO | YVMF - Venezuela
1125 | Spain | Croatia
1130 | WBBR - NY | YVRL - Venezuela | HJAC - Colombia
     | ZYJ461 - Brazil
1134 | Croatia | Spain
1140 | WRVA - VA | CBI - NS | Margaritena - Venezuela
1143 | Spain
1150 | WNFT - MA | WRUN - NY | CJRC - ON | CHGM - PQ
     | CKOC - ON | WDEL - DE
1152 | Spain
1160 | WVNJ - NJ | WOBM - NJ | WSKW - ME | VSB3 - Bermuda
1161 | Spain | France
1170 | WWVA - WV | HJNW - Colombia | YVQV - Venezuela
     | WLEO - Puerto Rico
1179 | Canary Islands // Spain | Sweden
1180 | Cuba | WHAM - NY | YVNJ - Venezuela | ZYJ463 - Brazil
1188 | Hungary | Morocco | Germany
1190 | WOWO - IN | WBMJ - Puerto Rico | HJCT - Colombia
1197 | Spain | Virgin R. - U.K. | Lesotho | Morocco
1200 | WKOX - MA | WTLA - NY | CFGO - ON | YVOZ - Venezuela
     | ZYH585 - Brazil
1205 | Cayman Islands
1206 | France | Poland | Israel
1210 | WPHT - PA | VOAR - NF | YVZT - Venezuela
1215 | Virgin R. - U.K. | Spain
1220 | CKSM - PQ | CFVM - PQ | CJSS - ON | WKNR - OH
     | CKCW - NB
1224 | Spain | Netherlands
1230 | WESX - MA | WERI - RI | WCMC - NJ | WQDY - ME | others
1233 | Morocco
1240 | WBUR - MA | WGBB - NY | WSNJ - NJ | WTME - ME | others
1242 | France
1250 | WKBR - NH | WARE - MA | WMTR - NJ | CHWO - ON
     | WTAE - PA
1251 | Libya | Hungary | Portugal
1259 | Azores
1260 | CIHI - NB | WPZE - MA | Spain | WSUA - FL
1269 | Germany | Canary Islands
1270 | WTSN - NH | CJCB - NS | WSPR - MA | CFGT - PQ
     | WXYT - MI
1278 | Ireland | France
1280 | WADO - NY | WFAU - ME | WEIM - MA | CKCV - PQ
     | VSB2 - Bermuda
1287 | Spain | Germany
1290 | WRCP - RI | WKNE - NH | CJBK - ON | WNBF - NY
     | YVLF - Venezuela | CHRM - PQ
1296 | Spain | R. XL - U.K. | Sudan | BBC - U.K.
1300 | WAVZ - CT | WJFK - MD | WQBK - NY | WJDA - MA
1305 | Spain | Poland
1310 | WLOB - ME | CIWW - ON | WGH - VA | others
1313 | Angola
1314 | Norway | Spain | U.A.E.
1320 | CKEC - NS | WARA - MA | WDER - NH | WATR - CT
     | CJMR - ON | CJSO - PQ
1323 | Germany
1325 | Morocco
1330 | WWRV - NY | WRCA - MA | CKLD - PQ
1332 | Italy
1340 | WNBH - MA | WMID - NJ | WNHC - CT | CJLS - NS
     | WWNH - NH | others
1341 | BBC - N.Ireland
1349 | Mauritania
1350 | WOYK - PA | WINY - CT | CKAD - NS | WGPL - VA
     | WHWH - NJ
1359 | Spain
1360 | CKBC - NB | WDRC - CT | WLYN - MA | CJVL - PQ
1367 | Angola
1368 | Poland
1370 | WFEA - NH | WDEA - ME | WXXI - NY
1375 | St. Pierre & Miquelon
1377 | France | Ukraine
1380 | WKDM - NY | WTMN - NH | WSYB - VT | CFDA - PQ
1385.9 | Guinea
1386 | Kaliningrad | Iran | Greece
1390 | WPLM - MA | WDCW - NY | WEGP - ME | WZHF - VA
     | WKDR - VT | WLAN - PA | WXTC - SC | CHOO - ON
     | YVZA - Venezuela
1394.1 | Togo
1395 | Netherlands | Albania
1400 | WIDE - ME | WOND - NJ | WHTB - MA | CJFP - PQ
     | WLLH - MA | WPCE - VA | WABY - NY | others
1404 | France | Ukraine
1410 | WPOP - CT | CIGO - NS | WDOV - DE | KQV - PA
1413 | Spain | Pristina Kosovo
1420 | WBSM - MA | CKDY - NS | CJMT - PQ | WBEC - MA
     | WCOJ - PA
1422 | Germany | Algeria
1430 | WNJR - NJ | WENE - NY | WXKS - MA | CKYC - ON
1431 | Ukraine
1440 | WJAE - ME | WWTM - MA | WRRO - OH | Luxembourg
     | Saudi Arabia
1449 | Italy
1450 | WNBP - MA | WFPG - NJ | WCTC - NJ | WCUM - CT
     | CHEF - PQ | WRKD - ME | WHIM - RI | CFAB - NS | others
1458 | U.K. | Albania
1460 | CKRB - PQ | WGNA - NY | WBET - MA | WVOX - NY
     | WKDV - VA
1467 | France
1470 | WZOU - ME | WMMW - CT | WSRO - MA | YVSY - Venezuela
     | CHOW - ON | WKAP - PA
1475.1 | Benin
1476 | U.A.E.
1480 | WSAR - MA | WZRC - NY | WADR - NY
1485 | Spain
1490 | WPOR - ME | WUSS - NJ | WMRC - MA | WHAV - MA
     | WXRE - VA | WTVL - ME | CKEN - NS | others
1492.9 | Morocco
1494 | France | Russia
1500 | WTOP - DC | YVRZ - Venezuela
1502 | Angola
1502.4 | Togo
1503 | Spain | AFN - Azores | Poland
1505 | Anguilla
1510 | WNRB - MA | WNLC - CT | WLAC - TN
1512 | Belgium | Saudi Arabia
1520 | WWKB - NY | HJLQ - Colombia | WRAI - Puerto Rico
     | YVND - Venezuela
1521 | Saudi Arabia | Spain
1530 | WSAI - OH | VOA - Sao Tome | Vatican
1539 | Germany | Spain
1540 | WDCD - NY | CHIN - ON | ZNS1 - Bahamas | KXEL - IA
1544 | Algeria
1548 | VOA - Kuwait | U.K.
1550 | WRDM - CT | CBE - ON | WBSC - SC | HJCB - Colombia
1557 | France
1560 | WQEW - NY | WRHC - FL
1566 | Iran
1570 | WPEP - MA | WFLR - NY | WRHD - NY | WBUG - NY
1575 | Spain | Italy
1580 | CBJ - PQ | WSRF - FL | HJQZ - Colombia
1584 | Spain | Ceuta
1590 | WARV - RI | WSMN - NH | WCBG - PA | WETT - MD
     | WAKR - OH
1593 | RFE - Germany
1600 | WWRL - NY | WUNR - MA | CHNR - ON
1602 | Spain
1610 | TIS - Wood's Hole MA | TIS - Portland ME
     | TIS - Bar Harbor ME | Anguilla
1611 | Vatican
1620 | TIS - Westerly RI
1630 | TIS - NYC NY area
1640 | KXBT - CA
1660 | WJDM - NJ




Paul Ormandy - paulorm@xxxxxxxx

A couple of recent QSLs to get everybody fired up and all enthused about
sending out reports!!


1300 HJNB CARACOL Bucaramanga, friendly informative v/l from German
      Vahos, Gte along with a heap of stickers, for SS rpt & US $1-00
      36 days.


1485 SER R Alcoy, form VL, PPC and stickers from v/s Juan Jorda Raduan,
      Director, after f/up to '95 report. For SS rpt and 1 IRC with


Alan Merriman - merriman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    The MFJ-1026 Deluxe Noise Canceling Signal Enhancer, which hit the
market in the past few months has generated a lot of interest in the
Wave DX community.  With a few modifications this unit performs very
well as
a MW Phasing Unit.
    A number of DXers have written to MFJ attempting to convince them
they should offer a unit "off the shelf" that can be used by Medium Wave
DXers as a Phasing Unit.  I really think you need to sit down and give a
of thought to this and ask yourself a question - just how much worldwide
demand would there be for a unit like this?  Would there be enough
that MFJ could make a reasonable profit from such a unit?  My opinion is
If the current unit could be modified so it would satisfactorily work
longwave on up that might be one thing. But to offer a unit that would
on LW/MW only would probably not be cost effective.
    The modifications documented by Mark Connelly are very easy to do if
have any technical ability at all.  The entire process, including before
after testing can be done in 2 hours or less.  I have done two so far
no problems.  And, they work just great!
    If you do not feel you can do these mods yourself, I will be happy
to do
them for you for US $20.00 plus shipping to you.  If anyone is
interested in
this, get in touch with me.  I would suggest that if you order one of
units, and want me to do the mods that you have the unit shipped
directly to
me.  Unless I get overwhelmed with requests it shouldn't take more than
couple of days to get these done and shipped on to you.
    Although I did not call everyone it would seem that the best
price on these is from :

        R & L Electronics
        1315 Maple Ave
        Hamilton OH 45011  U S A

    They were selling this unit for $115.00 plus shipping.  They were
out of
stock a couple of weeks ago but may have more units on hand by now.
    Before you ask I have no intention of making modified units
for sale.  Will only perform the mods on units that you buy.  Before you
have a unit shipped to me, contact me first to make the arrangements.
    For those who might not know me I have been a Radio Amateur and
Wave DXer for over 40 years.  This month starts my 40th consecutive year
a member of the National Radio Club and am also a member of Medium Wave


?? - DA114@xxxxxxx

PLEASE HELP.  We neen your help in finding AirChecks of the late Wolfman
Jack or radio shows, look.  WE WEll PAY.  www.jinglefreaks.com> and SOON


IRCA Mexican Log, 4th Edition

The IRCA MEXICAN LOG log lists all AM stations in Mexico by frequency,
including call letters, state, city, day/night power, slogans, schedule
UTC/GMT, formats, networks and notes.  In addition, stations that have
changed frequency since 1990 are cross-referenced on the old frequency.
call letter index gives call, frequency, city and state.  The city index
(listed by state, then city) includes frequency, call and day/night
The log has been completely updated from the 1994 edition and carefully
cross-checked by IRCA members in Mexico and the US.  This is an
indispensable reference for anyone who hears Mexican radio stations.
is 8 1/2" x 11" and three hole punched for easy binding (optional).

Prices:  IRCA/NRC members - $6.50 (US/Canada/Mexico/seamail), $7.50
(rest of
the Americas airmail), $8.00 (Europe/Asia airmail), $8.50 (Australia/New
Zealand airmail).  Non-members:  add $2.00 to the above prices.  Make
out to:  Phil Bytheway.

Order TODAY from:  IRCA Bookstore, 9705 Mary NW, Seattle WA  98117-2334


The National Radio Club NRC AM Radio Log for the 1996-1997 DX Season.
This is the Seventeenth edition and has been updated through September

This annual edition contains 312 pages, 8 1/2" x 11" size, 3-hole
loose leaf format with over 5,500 A.M. Radio station listings from the
United States and Canada.  Each station listing consists of its
frequency, call, format, network affiliation, station address, station
slogan, day and night transmitter powers.  There are cross references by
city and by call letter.

The nonmember prices of the AM Radio Log are as follows:
  NRC & IRCA Members see your magazines for the member prices!

U.S. & Canada  US $22.95
Latin America  US $23.50
Europe         US $24.00
All Others     US $28.00

Please mail all orders to:    National Radio Club
                              Publications Center
                              P.O. Box 164
                              Mannsville, NY 13661-0164


        phil bytheway - Seattle WA - Philip_Bytheway@xxxxxxx

        Tabulated from WWV at ~0518 GMT nightly

        Geomagnetic Summary August 29 1997 through September 4 1997

           GEO - Geomagnetic activity     pca - polar cap absorption
           maf - major flare              SA  - Solar Activity
           mas - major storm              spe - satellite proton event
           mis - minor storm              ss  - severe storm

        Date    FLUX    A    K    SA          GEO                 OTHER

         8/29    92    12    1    moderate    quiet-active        -
           30    92     9    1    low         quiet-active        -
         8/31    96     4    2    low         quiet               -
         9/ 1    93     4    1    very low    quiet-unsettled     -
            2    92     2    2    moderate    quiet               -
            3    93    16    5    low         quiet-mis           -
         9/ 4    93    14    1    very low    quiet-unsettled     -


If you note any AM changes (call, format, slogan, etc), please send them
the NRC Log coordinator (Wayne Heinen) @ nrclog@xxxxxxx


END of September 4 1997 IRCA's "AM DX NewsFlash" -