BULLETIN: Glenn Hauser's SW/DX Report Aug 14
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BULLETIN: Glenn Hauser's SW/DX Report Aug 14

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[items from this report may be reproduced or re-reproduced only if
full credit is maintained at all stages]

THIS WEEK ON WORLD OF RADIO 906: More opportunities to hear W.O.R.;
bubble-jamming against RFPI; KNLS confirms RFA relay; Harder planning
another SW in Florida; alternative radio in Chicago; bargain price
for Baygen; more on Icelandic and European LW; RFI finally gives E-
mail address; Iraq back with English; Oman now on RealAudio; NADECO
changes time on WWCR; Colombian clandestine is back; and much, much
more as detailed in the 906 summary via RFPI, rec.radio.shortwave and
on our website: http://idt.net/~khecht19/ghauser  Air cycle for 906 
on WWCR is Aug 14-19; RFPI Aug 15-22; WGTG Aug 19.

LAST WEEK ON WORLD OF RADIO 905, still available from the wrn.org
Sound Store: we perform an SWL program of 62 years ago; BBC domestic
and external news; CBC host in trouble with Catholics; Arnie Coro's
middle name; American culture will triumph, but leads to conflict;
check out an annoying website.

ALASKA. The question of whether KNLS is transmitting Radio Free Asia
has now been resolved thanks to this further note from Mike Osborne:
"I owe you an apology. It seems that KNLS is broadcasting for RFA and
has been doing so since January. In December I left the full time 
staff and now provide English language programming to the ministry as
a contract service. I work out of my home. Obviously, I'm a little 
further out of the loop than I thought." (WORLD OF RADIO 906)

COSTA RICA [non]. RFPI's 7385 has been subject to bubble-jamming, first 
noted August 6 at 0205. Since then it has been on most but not every
night as early as 0100, as late as 0500. When it is on, it is heard
continuously, worse on the lower side. Strength here is often almost
as strong as RFPI, but RFPI is still intelligible. James Bean in 
Maine says it is not so strong there or in California, and seems to
be coming from south of him, with a similar presumably Cuban sound
marring WHRI-7315; and may be the topic of this week's Far Right Radio
Review on RFPI. If this continues, strength and directionality 
observations will be most welcome (Glenn Hauser, OK, Aug 14 and WORLD

IRAQ. I have heard Baghdad with an English broadcast, after many months
of silence; BBC Monitoring had just observed that the only active SW
frequency was Kurdish on 6560. On August 11 when checking 11785 for
RFA via KNLS at 2236 I found instead a French broadcast concluding,
claiming to be on eleven thousand, eight hundred, four score and ten
kHz--where it was not to be heard, and at 2238 opening English giving 
"This is Baghdad, Radio Iraq International" ID; hard to understand due 
to poor modulation, adjacent splash from Brasil, low rumble possibly
from KNLS/RFA and traces of warble jamming against it. Then what 
sounded like Cajun music, and a "News Commentary". Brief talks and 
musical interludes would continue alternating. At 2248 gave schedule
as "ten and a half until 11 UTC" and mailing address. 2254, talk about 
Palestine, then choral music. 2257 ID, His Excellency President Saddam
Hussein about the "9th anniversary of a great victory" in Lebanon and
"end of our summary of the news; thanks a lot for listening," ID. 2258
press review on same subject; a bit of dead air and plug pulled at 
2300:00 sharp without any sign-off; I thought maybe they would stay on
until 2309 to complete the English half-hour. Rechecked the frequency
Aug 12 at 0329 with there was a good though fluttery signal, but very
low muffled modulation, seeming Arabic; gone at 0405 recheck. Then at
2151 Aug 12 Arabic music, not //11290.0, the other new frequency which
was previously on 11292 as reported by Quaglieri et al; by 2230 11785 
was an open carrier and 11290 was gone; 2332 11785 still fluttery 
carrier; still the same on Aug 13 at 0115 check; 0228 there was 
modulation with Arabic talk; then at 2217, 11785 was open carrier but 
it went off at 2228*. I include a brief recording of the ID on WOR 
906. Man and woman announcers took turns; he was easier to understand
but both had a heavy accent. It looks like the revived English is 
already petering out, so will it be many more months before we hear 
it again? That's why I have gone into so much detail in reporting this 
rarity (Glenn Hauser, OK and WORLD OF RADIO 906)

LIBERIA. Despite the BBC Newsdesk report that Star Radio had started
SW in late July, no one has reported it on 3400 or 5890, the projected
frequencies obtained by BBCM. Now, B. Cooley reports hearing an 
interview with someone from the station on VOA's African Service at
0300 July 27 saying that SW was not a high priority for Star FM; it
will happen, but not right away (WORLD OF RADIO 906)

MALI. Few seem to have noticed, and no one seems to care, but the CRI
relay although renewed until 2008, has been missing for the past month
or so from 9710 and 11695 at 0000 and 0300 in English; nor is it heard
on previous frequencies 9770, 9780, 11715, 11760, nor the one just 
listed by BBCM at 0000 only, 11770v (Glenn Hauser, OK, W.O.R. 906)

MEXICO. Following word from Hector Garcia that XERTA was testing again
Aug 13 on 4800, I checked it UT Aug 14 after 0100, and found a heavy
het on the frequency only, perhaps this and Guatemala. As I said 
before, this is a terrible frequency choice. Aug 14 woke up at 1040 
and found strong open carrier on 4800.8, monitored continuously past
1345 but never any modulation. R. Buenas Nuevas, Guatemala, turned on
4800.2 at 1132 and immediately began programming. The stronger and
longer-lasting 4800.8 was separable, but at least an XERTA ID would
have been nice, if this was it (Hauser, OK)

MEXICO. XERMX Mail Box Aug 12 announced that IMER now has a website,
www.telecommex.com/imer. I checked it but found nothing yet about the
SW operation, and not all the buttons worked properly (Hauser, OK)

UNIDENTIFIED. Noted that Jones, Paraguay does not hear the 7543.0-LSB 
preaching, and Wilkner, Florida no longer hears it. But I still do 
just about any morning checked, such as August 11 at 1235 with religious
singing, 1255 "Una Voz en el Aire" as before. While the outside longwire
certainly helps, on Aug 6 at 1255 I was able to hear it inside a New
Mexico motel room with reel-out inside antenna. Seems most likely it
is in western USA or Mexico, possibly Central America. If I can ever
copy addresses of any of the programs carried, I'll ask them about it
(Glenn Hauser, OK)

U S A. Chuck Harder, in his "For the People" magazine received Aug 6,
says: "A 'monster' 50,000 watt Continental 317-C-2 radio transmitter
has been purchased and will soon arrive at a 39-acre site near Lake
City, Florida. There the shortwave station will be built as well as a 
repeater station for WFVR 910 AM, Valdosta, GA. The new SW will beam
our program 'For the People' to the East Coast during prime time and
will be repeated three hours later for the West Coast." Chuck also says
he hopes to continue present schedule on WHRI, WWCR. SW station would
be owned by American Community Oriented Radio Network--ACORN--which is
affiliated with Harder. It also owns WFVR, and WNTF 1580 Bithlo, FL. 
He says ACORN will also make SW radios. No further details (Joel 
Hermann, WORLD OF RADIO 906)

U S A. When WGTG gets the WORLD OF RADIO tape before Monday, it may
appear at unscheduled times, e.g. Aug. 11 UT Monday 0515 on 5085-USB;
perhaps also on 9400 daytime Saturday or Sunday, in addition to the
scheduled time of UT Tuesday 0400 on 5085-USB.  (Hauser)        ###

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