LOG: Logs from Litohoron
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LOG: Logs from Litohoron

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New logs from Litohoron (Mt Olympos)   for last  week 31-7 to 2-2 . 
Due to part time holidays ( also this week !) i prepared the list as follws 

Reception system: SONY ICF 7600 D 
 35 m antenna tilted 
ATU always used 
headphones always used too ! 

two top logs : 

MALAYSIA 5005 RTM SIbu heard on 31-7 with very malay songs till 2300 then clock 
and ID 'RAdio Malaysia .....'  (here not clear ) with YL speaking ??? , then 
continues with music and SINPO 24132 . Next day at 2205 till 15 with again 
songs and a discussion betw OM and YL Signal vanished at 2225 . Very  strong 
noises from lightnings to levels 24131

RFA  freqs found : 
9420 ,2328 in CC with station reports 24333 (31-7) 
9725 ,2148, CC  ID and refs to MaoZeDong 34443 (31-7)
11540/11590 , 1440 Viet at 44444  for 11540 (31-7) , 33443 for 11590 (1-8 
found )
11530 ,1500  programming in burmese , 44444 (31-7) 


Here are the remain logs : 

SUDAN, 9200, R Omdurman, 1325, 31-7, news in arabic, 34433 Liangas Greece 

CHINA , 9080,CPBS1 , 1325 31-7 , chinese light songs ,33333 Liangas Greece

???, 9535, R CAnada Intl, 1331,31-7, IS in English 23232 Liangas Greece

N COREA ,9640,R Pryongyang, 1338 OM spg with backgroud msx EG ,22422
Liangas Greece

??, 9665, TWR 1341,31-7,IS powerchange , prg in RR,32432 Liangas Greece

UZBEKISTAN, 9715, R Uzbekistan, 1344, 31-7, songs no lang, strong noise , 2x13x 
Liangas Greece

EGYPT ,9800, R CAiro, 1354, 31-7 ,OM spkg, 1356 w song and YL, no ID at 1400 R 
Netherlands signal !!33333Liangas Greece

??,9730 ,unIDed ,1354,31-7  withsongs and English 22322 Strong QRM in 1352 by 
IRIB 9735 . Presume SLBC Liangas Greece

BULGARIA, 9775, R Bulgaria (p),1408 ,31-7 ,in Russian wih intl news but dll 
modulation with many refs to Bulgaria 44444  Liangas Greece

MALAYSIA, 9750, V of Malaysia , 1417,31-7, in Indonesian with news & info 22432
YEMEN, 9780, Yemeni ....(p), 1420 ,31-7 , militaary songs  and "jumahat muhat 
ili' 1434 ,34443 Liangas Greece

CHINA, 11575,  CRI,  1442, 31-7, OM spk in tamil 

???,9700,VOA 1528 31-7  giving email adress 33333 Liangas Greece

INDIA, 4840, AIR delhi ,1623, 31-7 ,relig  music ,44233  Liangas Greece

INDIA, 4940, AIR Guwahati, 1630,31-7, songs 24232 Liangas Greece

MALAYSIA ,15295, Suara Malaysia , 1515,31-7,song bayangan (BEST!!!!) of Aisha 
in Burmese service 43443 low modulation . MOdulation continued at same levels 
at all times that sday !   Liangas Greece

PAKISTAN,. 9335, R pakistan , 1657,31-7,IS sounds  then programin in Urdu,42433 
  Liangas Greece

??     6940,  Somalian          ,1657, 31-7,with OM speaking (Nx?) in 
vernacular  ,1700 w songs ,33333 (here i do not remember the name )
  Liangas Greece

INDIA 3345 , AIR delhi      , 1727,31-7,religious songs , 22232  Liangas Greece

INDIA 3365 , AIR  Delhi    , 1750, 31-7, religious songs 33333  Liangas Greece

NIGERIA , 4770, R Nigeria Kaduna , 2122, 31-7, news reports ,32423   Liangas Greece

MALI ,4835, R Mali , 2123, 31-7,, hilife songs FF , 44434   Liangas Greece

CHINA, 6790 , CNRT 2  ,2127,31-7,,adsin CC,  34443  Liangas Greece

CHINA , 6750 , CNRT 1  , 2130 , 31-7,, party  style btw OM and YL 24232   Liangas Greece

CHINA 6890, CPBS 2, 2132, 31-7, YL speaking in CC , 24232  Liangas Greece

BRAZIL , 9675 ,  R cancao NOva , ,2146, 31-7, OM with religious themes in 
portuguese   ,34433   Liangas Greece

INDONESIA , 9630, RRI Jakarta , 2347, 31-7, nice songs ,22432 better signal at 
4444 at 0010    Liangas Greece

INDONESIA, 4927, RRI JAmbi  ,2350 ,31-7, references to Malaysia , indonesian , 
32432   Liangas Greece

BRAZIL, 4805 , R Difusora Amazonas , 2354 , 31-7, nice PP songs , 24232 
  Liangas Greece

VENEZ , 4830, R Tachira , 0002 , 1-8 , OM with ads , SP , 22332 heard better 
then thee sister in 4980 !   Liangas Greece

PAKISTAN, 4790 , R PAkistan , 0009, 1-8 ,in urdu with OM speaking , 44444   Liangas Greece

TAILAND , 9655/9690 (new?) , 0018 , 1-8 , prg in english with news For 9655 at 
32333 under DW RR service   Liangas Greece

INDIA 4800 Hyderabad 0031 , 1-8 ,with slow religious music , 43444   Liangas Greece

JORDAN, 11690, R Jordan 1432 , 1-8 , hot disco songs ,55555  Liangas Greece

INDONESIA, 4753, 2217, RRI Ujung Pandang , dangdut songs,  2?122  Liangas Greece

N MARIANA ISLANDS, 15380 , KFBS Saipan, 0801, 2-8saying on traansmission on 
Bayar language and adress in Indonesia , 22232 some prays in 0827   Liangas Greece

TAIWAN, 15125 , CBS taiwan , 0805 ,2-7 , OM + YL speaking news then laughs 
over light music , 24222   Liangas Greece

NIGER , 9705, LV Sahel , 0810 , 2-7 , hilife songs , 0815 a program 
presentation in vernacular ,44434   Liangas Greece

ITALY , 7125 , IRRS ,1107,2-7   with songs , 34233   Liangas Greece


And some greek pirates :

1615 Makedonikos Ihos 1710 /31-7  with ID , 444

1665 unIDed calling Sakis 1725 /31-7 434

"adhered AM-HCDXers never listen to FMS!"
Zacharias Liangas

pen-DX sejak 72
anggota World-DX-Club 2104,Play DX, DSWCI #3507
http://www.compulink.gr/Users/zliangas/central.htm  (my :new !) 
http://www.clandjop.com/~jcruzan/greek-p.html  (mirrored for greek pirate radio )
pesawat penerima : Lowe HF 150 , SONY IFC 7600 D , Philips 2935 antena 6 m & 11 m