BULLETIN: Gatflash! n 104
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BULLETIN: Gatflash! n 104

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  *                                                                    *
  *                              GATFLASH!                             *
  *                 the internal and informal bulletin of              *
  *                    G.A.T. ( Gruppo Ascolto Torino)                 *
  our address is:
  G.A.T. , P.O.Box 108, I-10024 Moncalieri , TO, Italy

  or contact us via:
  Editor:       Walter Mola   - wmola@xxxxxx
  Distributor:	Flavio Golzio - golzio@xxxxxxxxxxx
              (reproduction of material is allowed provided the credit)

VOLUME 6 NUMERO 103                                    JULY 28 1997

deadline 104: september 1    

fax +39 11 755216 
phone +39 11 3858670  or via e mail


Freq    Day      UTC    Station                                      SIO
630	12	1200	R. Capodistria Koper IT mx // 1170  
                        (tnx to L.Botto Fiora)                       454 RP
840     17      1840    R. Chad // 4904.5  nx in FF strong qrn       222 RB
1280    8 17    2320 0105 Super R. Tupy PP id                        322 RB
1380    14 17   0035 0240 R. Corporacion Santiago SS mx             242 RB RP
1440	9	2320	TENT R. One, Dar es Salaam Tanzania, Soukous
                        mx and pop mx presumed id in Swahili 0002    232 RB
1379.85 8       2305    R. Aparecida rel px in PP  //6135.1          ?   RB
1500    12      0230    WTOP  Washington EE nx                       333 RP
1510	27	0305	WNRB Boston SS "..para los portoriquenos en
                        Massachusset"                                232 RB
1548    25 26   1600    R. Star Vicenza Italy new station operating 24 h
                        audible daylight in northern Italy. Thanks to
                        Maurizio GAMT for                            232 WM
1566	5	2330	R. B92 ( Box 207 11100 Beograd ) in Serbian
                        Rock mx                                      343 RP
1566    12      2350    IRIB Bandar Abbas in Farsi mx                232 RP
3245.1  13      0425    R. Clube do Varginha Tlk in PP adv           242 WM
3300    12 13   0420 0440 R. Cultural de Guatemala EE / SS rel px " Salvacion
                        en Cristo Esta Es Radio Cultural " id       343 RP WM
3330    12      1952    R. Christian Voice Zambia EE sermons         433 WM
3345    12      1955    World Music R. lot of id EE nice mx          433 WM
3339.9	27	0334	R. Altura id before s/off ".. a nivel nacional y
                        internacional...750 KHz onda media,3340 KHz onda
                        corta tropical, banda internacional de... Altura
                        la Radio"                                    242 RB
3380    12 13   0330/1957 Malawi BC VV afro mx                      343 WM RP 
4765    24      0000    Em Rural Santarem id in PP then futebol live 433 RB
4755.15 27      0231 0325 R. Educacao Rural Campo Grande Brasil Id in PP
                        very strong                                  444 RB
4785    24      0055 0120 Emisora Caiari Porto Velho PP sport live   323 RB
4795    27      0210 0320 R. Difusora Aquidauana, rel px in PP o230
                        Evangelic chorus and instrumental mx, 0300 id
                        R. Difusora Aquidauana, a estacao..." nice and
                        clear signal                                 343 RB
4825    27      0005 0025 R. Educadora de Braganca, PP nx no trace Cancao
                        Nova                                         434 RB
4824.4v 24      0000 0050 Tent R. Mauritania AA drifting till 4825
                        (1 khz per hour!)                            333 RB
4845    27      0145 0320 R. Fides Phone Calls and mx SS             444 RB
4826.27 27      0215 0255 TENT R. Sicuani 90% sport live in SS with mx
                        bridges fade out 0255 no id heard,           322 RB
4875    27      030     R. Difusora de Roraima PP id                 333 RB
4864.43 27      0153 0207 TENT R. 16 de Marzo 90% Oruro Bolivia LA mx
                        and dj mentioning Oruro  but no id heard tent
                        s/off 0207                                   222 RB
4904.6  5       0305    R. La Oroya SS Andinean mx                   333 RP
4910    25      2100    R. Zambia tlk in VV EE mx                    343 AB
4914.4  13      0413    R. Cora  mx SS                               422 WM
4919    13      0411    R. Quito Musica Melodica SS tlk              343 WM
4930.6  13      0409    R. Internacional  id Melodica mx             343 WM
5019.9  24      0030 0100 R. Horizonte Peru Hola Paisita in SS comunicados
                        s/off 0100.Only peruvians on these days." Horizonte,
                        la Radio que ... el corazon del pueblo peruviano
                        agradece su preferencia(male) Hasta manana (female)
                                                                     433 RB
5040.04 8       2315 2330 Voz del Upano,politics tlk about Morona Santiago
                        delegates s/off 2330 No anthem,              333 RB
5054.9  24      2355 0010 RFO Cayenna Salsa 0000 nx in FF            333 RB
5085    12 13   0345 0430 WGTG In EE sermons strong (now regular ball
                        breakers here)                              454 RP WM
6014.8  27      0015 0040 R. El Mundo Santa Cruz Bolivia sport SS    222 RB
6050	24	0115	HCJB foot ball live with some announcements
                        " Recuerda la vida no es solamente distraccion,
                        Dios te espera! "                            444 RB
6040.45 17      0025    R. Clube Paranense sport live in PP id       322 RB
6034.95 18      2320 2335 RCN San Jose del Guaviare nx adv in SS id  ?   RB
6063.95	24	0055	R. Colmundo, Bogota, programa deportivo, 0100 best
                        time for full id "Es Colmundo La grande Cadena
                        Radial de todas la noticias, y todos los deporte!
                        Colmundo la gran cadena rrradial por el deporteee!
                        ..desde Santa Fe de Bogota estas son las frecuencias
                        nacionales y internacionales de Colmundo Colombia:
                        HJCJ 1040 KHz en la onda media, 6065 KHz onda corta,
                        banda internacional de 49 metros, Desde Colombia
                        vecta del mundo, para el mundo!"             433 RB
6183    24      2345 0040 R. Nacional Brasilia PP nx mx              222 RB
6220	12	2340	R. Laser Hot Hits ( box 293 Merlin ON NOP 1WO Canada)
                        id mx                                        444 RP
6280    0830    27      RAI INT IT spurious // 6110-7240-15240 never heard
                        before                                       242 WM
6284	13	0933	R.Senladimoy italian Pirate in Esperanto for Contest
                        Esperanto.Sorry for my mistake in typing last issue,
                        correct qrg is 6284 and not 3284             243 WM
6299.9	27	0820	Farmers from Netherlands id's EE(6302 on 12,
                        6306.7 on 13)                               444 RP WM
6725.6  7 19    2330 0105 R. Satelite Santa Cruz,  avisos in SS     343 BG RB
9705    29      0453    R. Mexico Int SS mx                          333 RP
9737.4  11      2215    R. Nacional de Paraguay about Paraguay SS    232 BG


RP Roberto Pavanello,Vercelli, EGZ DX1 Indoor Active Ant
WM Walter Mola,Torino from Montgenevre F,JRC 525+W9GR dsp 20 mt inv V  
RB Renato Bruni,Ferrara, JRC 525 lw 100-300 mt  
BG Giampiero Bernardini,Chieti, AR 7030 and DX 10
AB Alessandro Bertoglio,Torino, JRC 535 whip 6 mt

End of number 104...