Some loggings
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Some loggings

This is a message from Risto Kotalampi <rko@xxxxxx>
to hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxx list. To unsubscribe the list, send
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Believe or not... I have done some DXing for the first
time for almost 3 years. I built a short L-antenna and even
if the location here is very noisy and antenna not very
long (20 meters or so) reception was ok to me... 60 meter
Central Americans were loud (4820, 4835, 5030) and also got
some Africans (4765 very loud) and South Americans (60 mb
was full of those). 

I have mostly logged domestic AM stations this time
because I find those interesting. Not to say those are excellent long 
distance catches but because these stations are popular target in Finland 
I find it intereseting to monitor what is happening on AM band.

On AM the biggest problem are some strong local AM stations. For 
example KFAX 1100 kHz 50 kW day/night is only couple of miles away and
KGO 810 kHz is not so far either.

Here are some loggings from past weeks. All times UTC.

600	5/23/97	0543	KOGO San Diego CA. Newstalk. RKO/O
720	6/3/97	0430	KDWN Las Vegas NV. "Talk of the West". RKO
790	5/23/97	0557	KABC Los Angeles CA. RKO/O
	6/3/97	0508	KABC Los Angeles CA. RKO
830	6/3/97	0547	KNCO Grass Valley CA. Rush Limbaugh. Fading with 
830	6/3/97	0600	KPLS Orange CA. Hits. Together with KNCO. RKO
840	6/3/97	0512	UNID TIS, San Mateo? Mentioning freeways 101 and 280. 
			Gotta check this on a way to work. RKO
1080	6/3/97	0535	KWJJ Portland OR. Country. RKO
1090	5/23/97	2200	KTNS Oakhurst CA. "Kittens Country". A local
			daytimer in Oakhurst. RKO/O
1130	6/3/97	0557	KRDY Dinuba CA. Country & gospel. RKO
1180	6/3/97	0445	KERI Wasco CA. REL. "Christian Radio for 90s". 
			Strong signal. RKO
1290	6/3/97	0500	KNSN Chico CA. Mutual News. TLK. //1060. 
			Strong signal. RKO 
1330	5/23/97	0538	KWKW Los Angeles CA. SS. RKO/O
1550	5/22/97	0517	KPIX San Francisco CA. RKO/O
1550	5/23/97	0608	UNID in SS under KPIX. Fresno or Tijuana? RKO/O

690	5/23/97	0547	XETRA Tijuana, in English. "Sports 690". RKO/O
820	5/22/97	0505	Tent. XEYX Mexicali. RKO/O
1090	5/23/97	0535	Tent. XE... RKO/O

4920	6/3/97	0430	R Quito, La Voz de la Capital. RKO

RKO 	Risto Kotalampi in Hayward, CA, about 50 ft L-antenna, Siemes RK651.
RKO/O	Risto Kotalampi in Oakhurst, CA (in Sierra Nevada mountains, 
	north of Fresno), Siemens RK651 and internal ferrite antenna.

More to come. 73s!
