Re: Racism and rudeness
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Re: Racism and rudeness

This is a message from Christoph Ratzer <ratzer@xxxxxxx>
to hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxx list. To unsubscribe the list, send
"unsubscribe hard-core-dx" in mail body to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxx

>Dear friends,
>I was surprised to receive the message "Fuck the Greeks".
>I would like to register my distaste for such remarks.
>I thought that DXing was one arena in which race, colour and cultural
>bigotry was left behind.
>I hope this is not the direction in which hardcore dxing is heading.  There
>is too much mindless abuse on the internet already.
>Please keep hardcore dxing clean.
>Don Phillips

Thank you Don! And I have no problems with some not "high-end" formated 
text here. 
Not everybody is Bill Gates! 

Zacharias, thanks for your Tips!

Christoph Ratzer  

     RX: Watkins Johnson HF1000  Ant: 30 mt. Longwire

                    AGDX Vice President
           Arbeitsgemeinschaft DX - the umbrella 
  organisation of German speaking Shortwave Listeners clubs
  WWWeb page: