Loggings (Sorry, to late for DX Window)
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Loggings (Sorry, to late for DX Window)

This message is sent by Mark Veldhuis <mark.veldhuis@xxxxxx>
to hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:


A few logs from me:

COSTA RICA   5030,0   AWR, Alajuela   2340-2352   English religious talk,
music. SINPO: 24242 //very strong 9724,9 kHz.   (Veldhuis AUG 3)

INDONESIA   9630,0   RRI, Jakarta   2306-2335   Long Indonesian talk, choir,
songs. Another new frequencie, testtransmission? Heard //9680,0 kHz. SINPO:
33433   (Veldhuis AUG 3)

NIGERIA   6089,9   Radio Nigeria Kaduna Channel 1, Kaduna   2238-2250
Native singing, Hausa talk, mention of Kaduna, chanting. Best in USB. SINPO:
33443   (Veldhuis AUG 3)

Kind regards,

Mark Veldhuis.


//////////   Mark Veldhuis                    *  Receivers: JRC NRD-535
    ____oo   Borne, the Netherlands           *             Lowe HF-150
c        ^   E-mail: mark.veldhuis@xxxxxx     *             Sony SW-ICF7600G
 \      ~/           dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx        *  Antenna:   12 meter longwire 
                                                            + MLB
 The Mark Veldhuis Shortwave Plaza:  http://www.tip.nl/users/mark.veldhuis

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