Electronic DX Press #19
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Electronic DX Press #19

This message is sent by Bob Padula <100026.262@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> (by way of Risto Kotalampi <rko@xxxxxxxxxx>)
to hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:


<<<<<<< A U S T R A L I A >>>>>>>

** "I love a sunburned country, a land of sweeping plains.." (opening line
of a well-known Australian verse).**

** "A wonderful bird is the pelican,
His bill holds more than his belly can,
And you open your eyes,
And gaze in surprise,
And wonder how the hell he can" ! **

(Another well-known Australian verse, recited often by Australian kids!).


Edition number 19
13 July 1996

Editor: Bob Padula, 404 Mont Albert Road, Surrey Hills, Victoria 3127,

e-mail: 100026.262@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Telephone/FAX: +61 3 9898 2906

A non-commercial electronic newsletter the advancement of the hobby of
shortwave radio monitoring, and focusing on the provision of timely news and


Reuse of EDXP information is welcomed and encouraged by all direct
recipients of EDXP; those who represent DXing groups are invited to
distribute EDXP within their respective organisations for editorial and
research purposes. The reuse of EDXP data for commercial applications is
acceptable, provided that arrangements have been negotiated in advance.
Reuse of EDXP information by groups who do not receive it directly is not
permitted. EDXP is NOT posted on public access servers, and is intended to
be a contributory service to the global SW DXing community. Reuse assumes
that normal editorial courtesies will be observed, with acknowledgments to
the original source, and to "EDXP".


** Unless stated otherwise, schedules were received directly by the contributor.

Sources and Contributors: Mick Ogrizek (Ballan, Victoria Australia); Bob
Padula Surrey Hills, Victoria, Australia); Paul Bailey (Hobart, Tasmania,
Australia); BCDX electronic newsletter (Germany); DXW electronic newsletter
(Danish  DSWC International); NU Numero Uno (electronic newsletter USA); DX
Hotline electronic newsletter (Netherlands); WOR World of Radio;
Communication World - VOA; Bruce McGibbon (Gresham, Oregon, USA).


ALGERIA. Current schedule for 'Radiodiffusion Algerienne Algiers':

11715 (50kW)  1800-1900  Chaine 3     (FF);
(To Europe)   1900-2000  R.Algers Int (EE);
              2000-2100  R.Algers Int (SS);

15160 (100kW) 1800-1900  Chaine 3     (FF);
(To Europe)   1900-2000  R.Algers Int (EE);

15205 (50kW)  1500-1900  Chaine 1     (AA);
(To M.East)   1900-2000  R.Algers Int (EE);

17745 (100kW) 1600-1900  Chaine 3     (FF)To East Africa);

All reports must be sent to: S/Direction des Ecoutes Radiophoniques.(Garzon,
3/7, DXW).


* 	Radio Esperanza, Temuco: has 24 hours a day transmissions on 6090, with a
program in EE at 0800-0830(Sat/Sun) and in GG at
1230-1300(Sat/Sun) using a 10 kW transmitter.

* 	Radio Pategonia Chilena, Coyhaique:is using a 1 kW transmitter on 6080 at
1000-0400 (Sat 1000-0600, Sun 1100-0400).

*	Radio Sante Maria, Coyhaique: has transmissions at 0950-0400 (Sun
1100-0400) with a 10 kW transmitter on 6029.6.

*	Radio Trifunal Evangelica, Santiago: uses a 50 Watts transmitter on 5825.5
at 0000-0300.(Gabriel Ivan Barrera, Argentina via WWH, in Hot News).

GABON.  A new stride has been made as part of the partnership existing
between Africa No 1 radio and African national media companies. An agreement
has just been signed with Gabonese national radio, whose programs will
henceforth be relayed from the Africa No 1 international shortwave centre at
Moyabi, southern Gabon. The relay of Gabonese national radio programs will
enable the station to cover the whole of Gabon, something it has hitherto
been unable to do.

This agreement will also enable [Gabonese] radio to carry out its
true media mission.

The Africa No 1 transmitting centre, from which international radio programs
have been relayed for many years now, has five 500 kW transmitters. These
facilities make it one of the most powerful
transmitting centres in the world. (Africa No 1 radio, Libreville, 20/6 via

ITALY. IRRS-Milano - tentative W96 sked effective 27/10:

3955 2100-2300;
3985 0600-0830, 1430-2100;
7125 0830-1430.

All txions DAILY. 

The weekend service in Russian 0500-0530 on Sats/Suns is not shown in the
advance W96 sked. (Bob Padula).

** Observed with the weekend Russian px *0500-0530* on 7125, via long-path,
QRM from BBC-Skelton 7120 World Service, 13/7 (Bob Padula).

MEXICO. R Mexico International has revised its sked:  1200-1600 & 1800-2300
5985 & 9705;  2300-0500 Mon-Fri, -0400 Sat/Sun) 9705. Interested in
reception reports. (World of Radio 12/7 via Mick Ogrizek).

NETHERLANDS. From 29/6-21/7, Radio Netherlands has a special Dutch coverage
of the Tour de France cycle race. Broadcasts are from 1200 to 1500 on 9895
and 13700 (both via Flevo). Mick Ogrizek).
(Ed: Here in Melbourne we have been watching edited 30 minute highlights of
the Race each day from 0930-1000 on the Special Broadcasting Service TV,
Channel 28. Bob Padula).

PIRATIA. Radio TSW (Radio Techno Shortwave" - oserved recently on 4795 at
1130 on 5/7, giving info on pirate broadcasting and how to avoid detection
by the authorities. Address announced: Box 7976,Sandy Bay, Tasmania 7006,
Australia. Reception reports requested. 

Has been heard since 30/6. Sandy Bay is a suburb of Hobart. (Paul Bailey,
ARDXC). (Wonder why the "authorities" don't stand around near the PO Box and
catch the offenders! Bob Padula)

THAILAND.Beginning 15/7, Radio Thailand will have three additional
transmissions from Udorn, all in EE:  0530-0600 to Europe on 15115;
1230-1300 on 9885 and 1400-1430 on 9830, both to Asia/Pacific. 

The complete schedule of Radio Thailand transmissions from Udorn will then
be as below.

BURM SEA		1145-1200  6030 UDO  500 284
ENGL Afr		0000-0030  9690 UDO  500 256
ENGL As/Pac	1230-1300  9885 UDO  500 132
ENGL As/Pac	1400-1430  9830 UDO  500 132
ENGL ENA		0030-0100 15370 UDO  500 006
ENGL Eur		0530-0600 15115 UDO  500 321
ENGL Eur		1900-2000  7210 UDO  500 329
ENGL Eur		2030-2045  9555 UDO  500 321
ENGL WNA		0300-0330 15370 UDO  500 038
FREN Eur		2015-2030  9555 UDO  500 321
GERM Eur		2000-2015  9555 UDO  500 321
INDO Indo		1215-1230 11805 UDO  500 154
JAPA Eas		1300-1315 11850 UDO  500 054
KHME SEA		1115-1130  7260 UDO  500 144
LAO  SEA		1130-1145  6030 UDO  500 030
MALA Indo		1200-1215 11805 UDO  500 154
MAND Eas		1315-1330 11850 UDO  500 030
THAI Eas		1330-1400 11955 UDO  500 054
THAI ENA		0100-0200 15370 UDO  500 006
THAI Eur		2045-2115  9680 UDO  500 313
THAI ME		1800-1900  9690 UDO  500 284
THAI WNA		0330-0430 15370 UDO  500 038
VIET SEA		1100-1115  7260 UDO  500 144

(Dan Ferguson, IBB, 14/7).

TURKEY. Voice of Turkey, Ankara, now on varied sked. Noted on 9655 with
Turkish 2200-2300, not on listed 9445, and heard in parallel with 9460. EE
at 2200-2300 observed on 9560, no other outlets traced, 13/7 (Bob Padula)

UZBEKISTAN. Radio Tashkent observed on 5060, opening at 2230 with CC. Not
audible on listed parallel 5915 or 6160. I believe 5060 to be via Alma Ata,
and not via Tashkent at this time, 13/7 (Bob Padula).

VATICAN. Freqeuncy changes advised by Vatican Radio effective 1/9 are as

To Americas: 0230-0330 FF, EE, SS on new 6095 (ex 9605);
To Asia: 1315-1345 JJ 9500 (ex 13765); 2130-2200 JJ 7310 (ex 11830);
2200-2230 CC 6065 (ex 11830); 2245-2300 EE 7305 (additional channel). (Bob


* VOA issued press release about adding two Ethiopian languages. Have been
broadcasting in Amharic but since 15/7, Amharic will be daily 1800-1830 & on
weekdays Tigrigna will be from 1830-1845 and Oromifa 1845-1900. No
frequencies given but will probably use current freqs used for Amharic: 7170
(Kavalla), 7330 (Botswana), and 11740 (Kavalla).(World of Radio, 12/7 via
Mick Ogrizek).


New Web site:


Channels #shortwave

This is a private server for radio enthusiasts only. It is not connected to
EFnet, Undernet or any other major chain of IRC servers. It is for radio
enthusiasts only to gather and talk radio, DX  etc.(Mick Ogrizek).

* Three interesting South African Web sites:

- SABC site - www.sabc.za
- Sentech - www.sentech.com.za (frequency info)
- Indepedent Broadcasting Authority - wn.apc.org/iba
(Andy Senitt, MN 11/7 via Mick Ogrizek).


"Free Radio Service Holland" 

Hi there! Just a mention to you all that our magazine "FRS Goes DX #140" is
out now! It contains 28 pages of information, this time:

Complete SW loggings from 16/3 until 9/6;
Shortwave news in genaral, with the 76 mb report;
Sounds from Offshore: Radio Caroline, Channel 2000 (Israel), adio Lite;
Situation around the Communicator (ex. Laser 558);
Information about interesting radio-links on Internet - see also
News about the Russian free radio scene;
"Made in Holland"; the Dutch scene;
A look back to the SW pirate scene in the 70's and 80's;
FRSH newscorner / 15 years Free Radio Service Holland;
Alternative Thought column;

If you want a sample copy of FRS Goes DX, send:

DM 5; 2 British Pounds; US$3; 4 IRCs to: FRSH, PO Box 2727, 6049ZG
HERTEN, Netherlands.

"FRSH Goes DX" is made by: Peter Verbruggen / Hans Knot / Chris Latiers /
Marten Boonstra /Joop ter Zee / Norbert Scheel / Stuart Dobson / Herbert
Visser / Mark Brown / Andrew oder / rtiom
Prochorov / Nicholas Sharpe / Thorsten Brandenburg / Ian Bigger / Gemot Kramer.

Further info: E-mail: Joop.ter.Zee@xxxxxx

Fidonet:  Joop.Ter.Zee@xxxxxx 1:377/51.2
Internet: Joop_Ter_Zee_tip_Nl@xxxxxxxx (Mick Ogrizek).

SOUTH AFRICA. Channel Africa is to continue in a more rationalized form, as
an external service of the SABC [South African Broadcasting Corporation].
(SABC 19/6 via BBCM per AGDX, in BCDX).

** Trans World Radio adds two new transmissions from Meyerton as follows:
effective 7/7 1830-1900 9510 500 kW in Nupe to Nigeria, and from 4/8
1600-1630 9830 250 kW in Kirundi to Burundi.
(Miller, DXW, 7/7).

TWR will also start a new transmission in AA from Meyerton on 4/8 from
2100-2130 on 7215. (Johnson, USA in Cumbre DX).
USA. On 15/7, the VoA will begin bcs in Tigrigna and Oromiffa -its 49th and
50th languages- to listeners in Ethiopia and Eritrea. Although Amharic is
the official language of Ethiopia,
Tigrigna and Oromiffa are also widely spoken in the region. Tigrigna is one
of the working langs of the now indep nation of Eritrea, and Oromiffa is
spoken by the largest ethnic group in Ethiopia.

The two new langs join VOA Amharic, which has been on the air since 1982.
Under a new sked,Amharic programs will air seven days a week from 1800 to
1830 Mon to Fri, Tigrigna will air from 1830 to 1845, and Oromiffa will
follow from 1845 to 1900. Each of the three lang bcs will feature regional,
world, and U.S. news; correspondent reports, and assorted feature stories.

VOA Amharic bcs are extremely popular in Ethiopia. A recent BBC survey of
1480 adults found that 20 percent listen regularly to VOA Amharic. By adding
Tigrigna and Oromiffa, VOA hopes to expand its listening audience in the region 

(usia.gov by voa2.VOA.GOV, 1/7, mackenz@xxxxxxxx) in BCDX).

VIETNAM. The HS Network-1 observed at 1338 in Vietnamese on 10060 parallel
6700v on July 7. (Bruce McGibbon).

@@@ And that concludes this week's EDXP!

Good listening, from a cold mid-winter Melbourne, which had a minimum
overnight of 1 degree C. last night! (Bob Padula, 14/7).

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