Re: 5985 kHz
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Re: 5985 kHz

This message is sent by mschaay@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Michiel Schaay)
to hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:

Hallo Willi,

>XERMX has been logged by several DXers during the last weeks on 5985 kHz.
>Last night I was surprised about the solid S 3 signal in (expected)
>Spanish, but at 0046 the ID was "Esta es la estacion especial de Family
>Radio" (WYFR). So I will have to keep on trying, as XERMX did not verify my
>last report in 1975...

Some months ago, I heard a very weak Spanish transmission on 5984.6 kHz. There
was a news bulletin with items from Guatemala and Mexico. I thought this might
be XERMX, so I did get a little excited. As it was in the middle of the night, I
put on mycassette recorder and went to bed again. When I replayed the tape the
next day, I heard about three minutes of silence just before the half hour,
followed by a clear Radio Prague ID. I'm still uncertain if this was an internal
problem in my RX or a spurious transmission from Prague. Anyway, since then I
have been a little sceptical about all those XERMX loggings. But on the other
hand, if somebody states to have heard an XERMX ID, who am I to contradict ?


          -  Michiel Schaay     (mschaay@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx)  -
          -  Postbus 139, 3940 AC Doorn, The Netherlands  -
          -  Telefax: +31 343 416244                      -
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