Radio ABC/Denmark
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Radio ABC/Denmark

This message is sent by "Stig Hartvig Nielsen" <hartvig@xxxxxxxxxxx>
to hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:

We are very sorry for the problems many people have had sending e-mail to
Radio ABC. Apparently we have received all the mail, but the senders have
got a strange message in return indicating that the message had not gone
through. We're trying to solve the problem. Meanwhile you may like to
utilize my own e-mail address, which is: hartvig@xxxxxxxxxxx

So far we have been flooded with reports and letters from all over Europe.
Most people report excellent reception. However I am still anxious to know
if someone has heard Radio ABC/Denmark outside Europe.

We're trying to have the modulation and audio improved. Please report how
you like the audio.

Sundays 0800-1200 UTC on 7570 kHz (120 kW from Kaliningrad) curtain aerial
beaming it's signal in 260 degrees. Mailbag programme 0900-1000, the
official Danish Airplay  Top 30 at 1000-1100 and the ABCDX-Report

Best of 73's - Stig Hartvig Nielsen
Redistribution of the material is not allowed without permission of
original poster or Kotanet Communications Ltd. Contributions to the
list are very welcome to hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
For more information about hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx email to